Dimitri: Thank you for sharing the information. Unfortunately I am not familiar with the schematics, I need it to be simplified, but I can get to that when I get started with my build. I personally think people keep asking the same questions in the forum because, when you do a search the answer you are looking for might not be simple enough or even the right answer. I have personally search the forum for the "hot" topic, and I still feel a bit at a loss. It is actually through google searches I have been getting a better understanding of it. I think if there were simplified posts that went through certain common issues at a very detailed level, you guys would not have to deal with people like me.

I will contact you concerning getting a 56 input module later on btw.
Maylord.war: Thanks to you as well for helping me out. I understand the functionality of the EKIT, it is just how to fix the hot levels that is the problem. If I understand you correctly, when you say "build a jack cable" you are talking about adding resistors to an actual 1/4" instrument cable right? Something that would look similar to this:
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BGB-FuSV33o/S ... omono1.JPG - Otherwise I would have to disassemble the ekit box and solder it within that 1/4 female output jack, like this:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7152/6732 ... 2f05_z.jpg - If I can just modify the actual cables themselves, that makes it a lot easier. I just need to figure out what kind of resistors I need and where in the cable to solder them (tip, ring, sleeve). If I am understanding the schematics that Dimitri posted, it looks like 47k resistors?
I hope I got something right.