My experience with megadrum so far

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby jackiecorn » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:06 am

dmitri wrote:Still without the voltage divider.
1. Start with default settings again.
2. In Misc settings set 'All Gains Low' to Yes.
3. Make sure HighLevel on the head is 64.
4. Hit the head hard a dozen of times. What HighLevel value do you get in the head?

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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:17 am

Instead of a voltage divider can you connect a 10k resistor inline with the signal wire?
do you have a variable resistor with the value between 10k and 47k?

The point is the 100k resistor on the signal part of your voltage divider is definitely excessive.
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby jackiecorn » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:50 am

Actually I do have a 50k pot which I have used before, it didn't work too well but then I didn't mess with a whole lot with it.
Is there a different between a pair of 10k resistors and a pair of 100k resistors as voltage dividers?
Since according to my knowledge it is only the ratio which determines the output, in this case two identical resistors make a 1/2 drop to the signal, is this correct?

Edited by Dmitri: Oops, I accidentally edited the post instead of quoting. I hope I restored the original text correctly.
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:01 pm

jackiecorn wrote:Is there a different between a pair of 10k resistors and a pair of 100k resistors as voltage dividers?

Yes, there is a difference.

Since according to my knowledge it is only the ratio which determines the output, in this case two identical resistors make a 1/2 drop to the signal, is this correct?

No, it's not correct. You don't take the input's and piezo's impedances into account.
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:12 pm

Actually I do have a 50k pot which I have used before, it didn't work too well but then I didn't mess with a whole lot with it.

Using this pot make a voltage divider for the head according to ... 911#p11911 and set the wiper to within 10% of the top terminal. After that using this voltage divider:
1. Start with default settings.
2. Disable the rim.
3. Make sure HighLevel on the head is 64.
4. Hit the head hard a dozen of times. What HighLevel value do you get in the head?
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby everson » Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:09 pm

Just as I thought, 200k is way too much ... I guess you`ll end up with 30-50k ...
Anyway, I`m sure we`ll find a solution!
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby jackiecorn » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:39 pm

Ok, I have installed the 50k pot between the piezo and the jack, I guess the first thing to do is adjust the resistor value for an appropriate HighLevel value, so what is a good HighLevel when I hit my hardest?
And should I put on any gain or avoid gaining if possible?
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:05 pm

Start with all default settings and set Gain to 0. With hardest hits it is best to get HighLevel values as high as possible but below 950.
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:21 pm

It's the rim triggering due to crosstalk. As I suggested, disable the rim by setting its Note to 0.

Seems like you deleted your post while I was replying.
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Re: My experience with megadrum so far

Postby jackiecorn » Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:48 pm

dmitri wrote:It's the rim triggering due to crosstalk. As I suggested, disable the rim by setting its Note to 0.

Seems like you deleted your post while I was replying.

Yes I just figured that out myself, felt so stupid about it so I deleted it.
After changing the resisters to a 50k pot and setting to the right HighLevel, I am starting to feel the real potential of the megadrum, with just a little tweaking on the curves and compression, I am getting pretty decent triggering now.
I can't believe the biggest mistake I did was using a high value resistor and blamed it on megadrum, I am really sorry about it but now I'm in love with my megadrum again, thanks for the help.
Just one more little question before I go crazy tweaking my settings, when I get false triggering the second note has a higher velocity than the first note, is there anything wrong with my wiring that I should fix before continuing?
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