Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

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Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby Andrej » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:55 am

For making a very quiet kit, I'd like to use a hi-hat controller for triggering the bass drum.
Something like using a Yamaha RHH135 with the new DTX700 module.

Does Megadrum support this? If so, what HH pedal would be recommended?

Thank you
Megadrum32(STM32F103RCT6) with Rectifier board, FW 20130612.
Mapex Fastpack A2E conversion using cakepan+cone method.
Yamaha PCY-135, PCY-155, RHH-135.
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:59 pm

Set the pedal's Chick note to the Kick's note and there you go. Or am I missing something?
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby Andrej » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:24 pm

[quote="dmitri"]Set the pedal's Chick note to the Kick's note and there you go. Or am I missing something?[/quote]

Maybe. Looking at the pre-built megadrum module, only one input has the label HH. And looking at the schematics,
the [Pads Connector Pinout]#1 (HH Pedal Ring) is connected to VCC over a resistor. But, only
that pin is. So I assumed I might only be able to connect one HH pedal.

I could change the pads connector pinout, and add two more pins to VCC over a resistor. But will the frameware
support this?

Basically, I want to use up to three HH pedals. One for HH, and two for Kick. (I live in an apartment, that's why I want
to avoid Kick drums pedals).

Megadrum32(STM32F103RCT6) with Rectifier board, FW 20130612.
Mapex Fastpack A2E conversion using cakepan+cone method.
Yamaha PCY-135, PCY-155, RHH-135.
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:45 pm

At the moment only one HiHat pedal is supported. It may change in the future.
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby Andrej » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:00 pm

dmitri wrote:At the moment only one HiHat pedal is supported. It may change in the future.

Thanks Dmitri for your fast response. That's what I feared.

I'm a beginner, not even sure if I need to do this.

Thank you
Megadrum32(STM32F103RCT6) with Rectifier board, FW 20130612.
Mapex Fastpack A2E conversion using cakepan+cone method.
Yamaha PCY-135, PCY-155, RHH-135.
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby everson » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:37 am

Just saw this ...
I think the perfect solution for these kind of requests is krigg - kick pedal trigger.
I have 2 of them ...
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Re: Hi-hat pedal for silent kick trigger supported?

Postby airflamesred » Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:17 pm

or, if you're not worried about velocity there are some roland pedals .
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roland-DP-2-D ... 867wt_1159.

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