Okay so I have had my MegaDrum built by Dmitri himself (Thanks BTW!) for over 4 months now. I just recently purchased Yamaha 3 Zone + Choke PCY 135 and PCY 155 cymbals.
I am having major trouble getting beyond one sound produced by each cymbal, it seems not to detect any of the other 2 zones or the choke whatsoever.
I have tried alterin5g Dmitri's settings posted by himself: (heres the post)
Here are the settings for the Ride input to load with MDM:
pcy135.zip [760 Bytes]
Downloaded 14 times
I only set HighLevels, Thresholds and Notes to get separation between 3 zones. I didn't touch any 'dynamics' settings and of course you may want other notes set to trigger desired sounds.
Also, I have tried his 3 way zone cymbal support file and searching through the forums only to find answers that don't quite suite my needs. I am running Addictive Drums and am trying to get the edge bow and bell plus the choke working on my ride. I need the notes to be (since default MegaDrum is two octaves higher) C4, C#4, D4, D#4 respectively for the edge, bell, shaft, and choke.
The same ones that Dmitri had posted for his PSY135 cymbals
Note 53 F3
Channel 10
Function Normal
Curve Log 1
Compression 0
Level shift 0
Xtalk level 4
xtalk group 0
threshold 30
gain 4
high level 386
retrigger mask 8
dynlevel 12
dyntime 24
minscan 20
type dual or 3way yamaha
same as above only difference is the note output and switch as specified
Note D#3
Type Switch
3rd Zone
Note 58 A#3
Alt Note A#3
Pressroll Note A#3
Dampened Note D#3
Threshold 10
the only thing I can think of is that my previous set up which needed really high crosstalk and low gains etc because they were WAY To hot (constructed single piezos I attached to pots n pans) and mayyybee those settings transferred over in such a way making it impossible to detect nearby vibrations.
I am assuming I am doing something wrong and i hope it is not my cymbal and I know it is not the MegaDrum because dmitri built it, but I am patient and willing to listen to any advice Dmitri or anyone else has! thanks! If you post your settings also Id be willing to try them!