Hotspot and general triggering issues

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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:22 pm

Piezo wrote:Let me put it this way: When I hit the drum with one single strike repeatedly some strikes result in sounds of not one, but two or three hits, almost sounding like a short press-roll instead of one single hit.

It seems as if the piezo sometimes sends out more than one signal (although being triggered by just one single hit).

I get it now. It's usually called false double triggering. What are the Threshold, Retrigger, DynLevel, DynTime and MaxScan on the Head?
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:36 pm

Threshold: 3
Retrigger: 1
Dynlevel: 7
Dyntime: 60

Can't find "maxScan" only minScan which is: 50
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:51 pm

Sorry, I did mean MinScan.

1. Set Threshold 15.
2. Set DynLevel to 15 and DynTime to 40

Once it is set like this you should not get any false double triggering at all. Obviously fast rolls will be missing hits with these settings.
After that, making a single strong hit at a time, start to reduce DynLevel and monitor MIDI Log.
Reduce DynLevel until false double triggering start to appear in the MIDI Log.
At this step raise DynLevel by 1 or 2.
Now start reducing DynTime until false double triggering start to appear.
At this step raise DynTime by 1 or 2 steps.
Now start reducing Threshold until false double triggering start to appear. Every time false notes start to appear increase DynTime. Don't reduce Threshold too much otherwise you won't be able to get rid of low velocity false notes.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:55 pm

Hm...its really hard for me to spot "wrong" notes. What do I have to pay attention to in raw-midi log to spot a note that shouldnt be there?
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:04 pm

When you hit a pad it generates a MIDI Note On and a bit later a MIDI Note Off. If you see two or more such events (Note On/Note Off followed by another Note On/Note Off) after one hit - it is a double triggering.

Or you could do it by ear. You wrote "When I hit the drum with one single strike repeatedly some strikes result in sounds of not one, but two or three hits, almost sounding like a short press-roll instead of one single hit" so apparently you can do the monitoring by just listening without using the MIDI Log.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:31 pm

Ok, raising threshold to 4 did the trick for me.

You guys are just great. Thanks dmitri for your patience!!!

Tomorrow I will post all settings that, in my opinion, make the PD 105 a nice trigger-buddy! There's still room to improve (slight hot-spot, dynamic range isn't perfect yet. But at least it's fairly playable!)

Now next step is to get my diy-drum to work. Which hopefully isn't going to be much of a deal, as I'm using roland components!

Thank you guys! After more than 3 months of work, it's just endlessly relieving to see some decent results.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby angr77 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:04 am

Sounds great!!

As said, post your pd-105 settings + tested firmware version and it would be lovely if you also included a syx file!

I am guessing that Dmitri will soon receive a prize as the best hard working helpdesk support in Europe...:-)

Merry Christmas to all!!

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby airflamesred » Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:14 am

my guess is that you can move the threshold up some more. I have my Koby's at 30. It might be worth pointing out that random hits when trying to set up might not equate to your general playing velocities - so just keep experimenting.
And a happy chistmas to everyone

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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:48 pm

Hi there,

returned the PD 105 today - will post settings tomorrow. I promise.

One question: Is their any way to raise sensivity without lowering threshold any further? With my diy-pad I'm currently stuck at threshold of 7 - 6 causes double-triggering. So I have to stick with 7. However I still would like to improve triggering-sensivity at the outer part of the meshhead (2 cm before the rim). I still have to hit this area too hard to get a signal. Everything behind those 2 cm right up to the very middle of the drum (cone) triggers nicely.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:34 pm

Piezo wrote:Hi there,

returned the PD 105 today - will post settings tomorrow. I promise.

One question: Is their any way to raise sensivity without lowering threshold any further? With my diy-pad I'm currently stuck at threshold of 7 - 6 causes double-triggering. So I have to stick with 7. However I still would like to improve triggering-sensivity at the outer part of the meshhead (2 cm before the rim). I still have to hit this area too hard to get a signal. Everything behind those 2 cm right up to the very middle of the drum (cone) triggers nicely.

Any suggestions?

When you lower the Threshold to raise sensitivity and you started to get double triggering, raise DynLevel and/or DynTime instead of raising Threshold.
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