Hotspot and general triggering issues

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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:19 pm

Piezo wrote:It's hard to make out. But putting sensivity-issues aside - Is there an easy way (and I mean easy for unskilled dumb-ass people like me, not a genius like you) to cool the pad down?

Yes. It's a DIY pad, what prevents you from adding a pot? ... 911#p11911
It even may be enough to add a 10k-47k resistor inline with the signal wire.

Well I was hoping, that I would get similar trigger-results with my diypad connected to megadrum as I would get with a pd-105 connected to a TD 20. That's at least what everybody says of megadrum...

Does everybody say that they built their DIY pads as exact copies of PD-105 with exactly the same properties? You probably should compare either
1. PD-105 with TD20 against PD-105 with MegaDrum
2. DIY pad with TD20 against DIY pad with MegaDrum

With the pd-105 it wasn't the same. I have to say, however, that the pd 105 is 10" whereas my pad is 12".

I'm using the same piezos as the PD 105 has. How come the pd 105 wasn't too hot?

Because your DIY pad and PD-105 are different. Also, if a DIY mesh pad is not built properly it may suffer from an excessive "after hit" vibration which may lead to false double triggering.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:52 pm

Whats a "pot"? Is it possible to buy a divider like this somewhere?
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby everson » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:09 pm

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My kit: 6 DIY pads, CY5, PCY135, Hall sensor hihat, krigg - kick pedal trigger, megadrum
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:20 pm

Damn it. I hate soldering. I hate it.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:45 pm

Piezo wrote:Damn it. I hate soldering. I hate it.

But you did solder piezos, didn't you? Soldering a pot or a resistor isn't any more difficult.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:07 pm

So I would need a 47k pot? Am I right there? Isn't 47k ohm too much? (I know a pot can be am I supposed to know which pot-setting will cool down my pad sufficiently? not too much, not too little)
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:33 pm

I mentioned it many times on the forum that if with HiLvlAuto set to Yes and Gain set to 0 after a dozen or so very hard hits HighLevel goes above 900 then the pad is too hot. Anything between 300 and 900 is good.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:40 pm

With gain = 0 I get 1020....

But that's not what I meant. I'm not arguing that my pad might be too hot. I'm just asking whether 47k isn't too much.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:09 pm

A pot is a variable resistor which means it can be set between 0 and it's max value, in case of a 47k pot it can be set between 0 and 47k. Besides, it was me who recommended a 47k in ... 911#p11911 . I don't understand why you think it is too much.
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Re: Hotspot and general triggering issues

Postby Piezo » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:20 pm

Ok, my bad. I will never question our master ever again :D

Just one more question before I get into cooling my pads down. You wrote that cooling a pad down would reduce sensitivity. My "hot" pad, however, already needs threshold settings of 2-3 to be as sensitiv as I want it to be....I'm just worried that cooling down my pad will result in bad sensitivity (which I can't raise much anymore) you see?
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