1. How did you configure LowLevel and HiLevel? 2. What did you do with LevelsAuto after you configured LowLevel and HiLevel? 3. When you're in LowLevel and press the pedal what value (raw level) do you see in the top row of the LCD? 4. When you're in LowLevel and deperess (release) the pedal what value (raw level) do you see in the top row of the LCD?
1 i put 300 in low an HI livel but i get erros message, i hve now 19 in low and 300 in hilevel 2 autolevel : yes 3 when i press pedal i have 3 4 when i relase pedale i hve numbers betwin 6 9 and 12
1. The pedal impedance switch (the right switch on the front panel) has 3 positions. What position did you set this switch to? 2. What did you set AltIn to?