I have a little problem : when I'm playing, I have an altnote send just after a note, It's sound like a "fla" (or "flee", I don't know if it's correct in english?)
while I'm just hit one time...
How to configure it?
drumdhiver wrote:Hi Dimitri!
Thank for reply,
Yes, I try to set "altnote" as the same number as "note", moreover, I can tick "set link to note" : "fla" effect is always present.
I'd try to disable altnote only on my VSTi, and link pressrollnote to note; I changed for different Pressroll timeout values (it's the first time I used this function). I've no more "fla", but I don't have the same "response" like I got before, it seems to be poor of sensitivity.
Ha! I've another question ! I have 2 computers, I've megadrumManager on this two one. On one of them, I have new functions (I don't know what is it?!), under Minscan :
- Pos Level : Disabled (or I can choose 1,2 or 3)
- Pos Low : 5
- Pos High : 15
Is this parameters works with my ARM 32 ? (firmware V 20121216)
drumdhiver wrote:Hi Dimitri,
what is a "positional sensing board built-in"?
Could you send to me a screenshot or a conf of your personal MD ARM, just for see which values you set on your parameters?
could you explain how act the minscan parameter? I read it on your documentation, but i don't really understood
drumdhiver wrote:I've mesh & single piezo for snare toms and kick and I'm thinking about buying to you this card to add on my module (I check if i get it last 10 minutes)... Does it could solve my problems of "note&altnote"?
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