I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confused.

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I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confused.

Postby pfapin05 » Mon May 27, 2013 10:04 pm

Please help me guys, I don't know whats happening here. I have tested the cables on all 4 crashes on my cable tester and they all check out fine. I took the one working PCY-135 and inserted it into the other 3 auxiliary ports that the other 3 weren't working on and all 3 ports tested out fine. I also took the cable from the one working PCY and inserted it into every one of the other PCY crashes and they all work just fine. So its not the cables, input jacks, or the cymbals themselves.

I use the 56 input megadrum and hook everything up just as the picture from here shows...


I use every single input on the top row as it states and I stick the remaining 6 cymbals in auxiliary ports 1-6. The one working PCY-135 is in the 6th input spot labeled crash, and the other 3 that do not work are somewhere in auxiliary ports 1-6.

I use superior drummer right now through reaper and midi learn each one of my pads to their assigned spot. I look on front of the mega drum and I still see no midi input or red light when I hit those 3 PCY-135 cymbals so megadrum is not even recognizing any midi info even when I turn on midi log in megadrum manager.

It might be something as simple as a configuration issue, but right now I dont trust sending info back and forth between my megadrum manager and megadrum because even when I simply try to upload the settings from my megadrum into the megadrum manager then it causes all inputs to the cymbals to not respond at all which is a separate issue altogether.

If anyone feels like helping me to double check how I set up my megadrum in the megadrum manager I would be very greatful.

I can start though now by telling you the process I use to open megadrum manager. It "should" be correct, but I could be wrong, and yes I have updated to the latest firmware successfully.

First I open megadrum manager then I go into options and chose MEGADRUM USB MIDI for the midi in and midi out and hit ok. Next I make sure to set the Inputs to 56 and then I try to hit the Get All button to recieve the settings from Megadrum so I can see what might be possible causing the 3 cymbals to not respond, but this often causes a timeout issue. Even when I try to upload some settings and send it to the megadrum, it sometimes times out but when it dosnt, all it does is cause every pad to not work on my ekit through superior drummer anymore so I know something Im doing wrong in the settings is causing this. I'm not using any midi yoke program, I have 2 midi ins and outs on my RME UFX recording interface and I run a midi out from megadrum to midi in on the RME UFX and use this connection for my DAW and I use the USB to have megadrum manager open and running at the same time to try and send and receive settings from the manager.

I hope I am making all of this clear, and I hope that someone here can walk me through this process a little bit and be as kind as to give up some of your time... I am grateful already to Bean, a nice member here who helped me for 3 hours on the phone to get as far as we did. I can always try to use the manual and just adjust settings from the front of the megadrum but its much easier to use mega drum manager if its working correctly. Anyone have any insight please? If Im not being descriptive enough, my apologies... I will try my best to provide anymore info that anyone might need to help me.

Thanks, Chad
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby airflamesred » Mon May 27, 2013 10:22 pm

I don't think they are communicating - You don't need to set 56 inputs, only set this to the number of inputs you are using. MD and MDM both need to be set the same.
Get them to communicate to start with - green panel at the top of MDM.

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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby pfapin05 » Mon May 27, 2013 11:19 pm

That's the thing... it does have a green panel at the top. I will adjust the inputs to reflect what inputs I'm actually using and see if that has any affect. Anything else I could possibly be missing perhaps?
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby dmitri » Mon May 27, 2013 11:48 pm

I'm guessing you're using MDM on Windows. When you click 'Open MIDI', does MDM show you your firmware version? If it doesn't, are you sure that ports you selected for MIDI In and Out in MDM Options are not used by any other program at the same time?
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby pfapin05 » Tue May 28, 2013 12:08 am

Yes sir, I am using windows 7 64 bit. Yes, as soon as I set the midi in and midi out ports to MegaDrum USB MIDI and click OK the firmware version box says 20130405. Also I don't use the mega drum USB port for anything besides mega drum manager. The port I use from reaper/superior drummer is through midi out of mega drum into midi in of my RME UFX recording interface.
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby pfapin05 » Tue May 28, 2013 12:19 am

Update... for whatever strange reason, I can now receive all settings from mega drum into MDM!!! I will now please consider any advice on how to get these 3 non working pads going. I don't understand what I can do to get them working because I am so used to just hitting the learn button through superior and getting the pads and cymbals to respond and assign their CC or notes that way.
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby pfapin05 » Tue May 28, 2013 1:46 am

Also... more great news, I got all 3 working now!

I could really use some help now with settings... haha! I'll have to get at it sometime tomorrow. Thanks for all you're guys help so far!
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Re: I have 4 Yamaha PCY-135 crashes... only 3 work, Im confu

Postby airflamesred » Tue May 28, 2013 8:50 am

Congratulations, Now the fun starts!

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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