But...When I use it, it comes back as Tom3H & Tom3R (via MegaDrum Manager on PC).
The LCD Display (VU Meter) shows the TOP Row, 8th block from left as the Head hit. And, the bottom Row 8th block from left being the Rim hit.
(I have the ARM based Full kit with extended EEPROM with Positional Sensing addon board included)
Did I connect to the wrong Pins? As they they indicate Tom3? Or is there a setting I'm not familiar with? I used the 'MegaDrum kit - instruction manual.pdf.
There's another Schematic 'megadrum32 schematics pdf.zip', and another post "Just to make sure before i solder the 40pin connector.." that eludes to another way to hook up the ribbon cable,

So, where the heck can I find the correct schematic??