HH Controler midi events pb

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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby krickgpe » Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:46 pm

I try with a FD-7 because a lot of people said configuring the FD-8 is not very easy, but I get the same CC midi events when the pedal is not pressed.
I've some questions about the screen HH HiLevel and LowLevel in MD :
See the video to try to understand my questions :
In setting screens HiLevel & LowLevel can you tell me what is these numbers (45 and 3) in front of "HH Pedal" ?
Is it normal that in the HiLeveL screen settings when I change the level the number above (45) is not stable ?
To setting the LowLevel I fully pressed the pedal but I can't rise higher than 18 and lower than 11 ?
Thank you for your patience.
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:25 pm

krickgpe wrote:In setting screens HiLevel & LowLevel can you tell me what is these numbers (45 and 3) in front of "HH Pedal" ?
Is it normal that in the HiLeveL screen settings when I change the level the number above (45) is not stable ?

Raw pedal readings.

Changes in version 20121210:

1. Major improvement to HiHat pedal/controller handling for pedals with narrow signal range, e.g. Roland VH-11/12. Previous firmware versions produced unstable level readings for such pedal. I also added a functionality which will simplify setting pedals - now while in LowLevel or HiLevel it will show current "raw level" reading of a pedal's signal. You can use this "raw level" value as a guide to set LowLevel/HiLevel when the pedal is closed/open. Set LowLevel just below "raw level" when the pedal is 5%-10% open and set HiLevel just above "raw level" when the pedal is 90%-95% open. You may need to raise LowLevel / lower HiLevel slightly to make sure MegaDrum detects fully closed/open position.

So what settings did you try? And why do you try to change LowLevel and HighLevel while LevelsAuto is set to Yes?
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby krickgpe » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:49 pm

So what settings did you try? And why do you try to change LowLevel and HighLevel while LevelsAuto is set to Yes?

I try all the settings of HH Pedal screen.
So If the LevelsAuto is set on yes I don't have to change LowLevel & HighLevel (stupid I'm...), so the pb is probrably in the other settings...but it's not very easy to find the good settings and it takes a lot of time.
you've probably heard people who 've found the good settings for this pedal...I've to try again and hope to find.
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:10 pm

As per http://www.megadrum.info/content/hihat-pedal-settings :

Next screen HiHat Pedal->LevelsAuto:

If set to Yes MegaDrum will try automatically adjust HiHat Pedal->LowLevel nad HiHat Pedal->HiLevel after you pressed the pedal a few times. You may use it initially as a guidance for proper Low and High levels of the pedal. Once you saw what levels were auto set you'd better set it to No and adjust LowLevel and HiLevel values manually. Default is Yes.

So according this you use LevelsAuto only initially as a guidance. You must set it to No after that and adjust LowLevel and HighLevel. Did you read MegaDrum documentation about HiHat pedal settings? I don't understand what so hard or difficult about it since you repeatedly ignore my questions about what settings you used and how you set them.
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby krickgpe » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:33 pm

dmitri wrote:As per http://www.megadrum.info/content/hihat-pedal-settings :

Next screen HiHat Pedal->LevelsAuto:

If set to Yes MegaDrum will try automatically adjust HiHat Pedal->LowLevel nad HiHat Pedal->HiLevel after you pressed the pedal a few times. You may use it initially as a guidance for proper Low and High levels of the pedal. Once you saw what levels were auto set you'd better set it to No and adjust LowLevel and HiLevel values manually. Default is Yes.

So according this you use LevelsAuto only initially as a guidance. You must set it to No after that and adjust LowLevel and HighLevel. Did you read MegaDrum documentation about HiHat pedal settings? I don't understand what so hard or difficult about it since you repeatedly ignore my questions about what settings you used and how you set them.

Yes I set LevelsAuto to "no" and make manual settings of LowLevel & HighLevel pb still with the same pb of CC4 when the pedal is fully open...
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:38 pm

krickgpe wrote:
dmitri wrote:As per http://www.megadrum.info/content/hihat-pedal-settings :

Next screen HiHat Pedal->LevelsAuto:

If set to Yes MegaDrum will try automatically adjust HiHat Pedal->LowLevel nad HiHat Pedal->HiLevel after you pressed the pedal a few times. You may use it initially as a guidance for proper Low and High levels of the pedal. Once you saw what levels were auto set you'd better set it to No and adjust LowLevel and HiLevel values manually. Default is Yes.

So according this you use LevelsAuto only initially as a guidance. You must set it to No after that and adjust LowLevel and HighLevel. Did you read MegaDrum documentation about HiHat pedal settings? I don't understand what so hard or difficult about it since you repeatedly ignore my questions about what settings you used and how you set them.

Yes I set LevelsAuto to "no" and make manual settings of LowLevel & HighLevel pb still with the same pb of CC4 when the pedal is fully open...

What "manual settings of LowLevel & HighLevel" did you use?
How did you adjust LowLevel & HighLevel?
Did you use VU-meter to adjust LowLevel & HighLevel?

Did you read this from http://www.megadrum.info/content/hihat-pedal-settings ?:

Next screen HiHat Pedal->LowLevel:

<HiHat Pedal >
LowLevel: 90

Set the low level of the pedal, when pedal is fully pressed. If set too low you may not be able to get fully closed HiHat pedal.

Next screen HiHat Pedal->HiLevel:

<HiHat Pedal >
HiLevel: 900

Set the high level of the pedal, when pedal is fully depressed. If set too high you may not be able to get fully open HiHat pedal.

You should adjust both low and high level so that the values were as far apart as possible and yet the pedal reaches extreme positions. Use VU Meter (not very accurate), Big VU Meter (more accurate) or CC messages (with MIDI-OX). When using CC messages and MIDI-OX as a guidance you need to achieve such a configuration that CC messages are not sent by MegaDrum in extreme pedal positions.

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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby krickgpe » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:19 pm

Did you use VU-meter to adjust LowLevel & HighLevel?

I don't how to use VU-meter to adjust LowLevel & HighLevel

How did you adjust LowLevel & HighLevel?

I opened a midi monitor then try different value for LowLevel & HighLevel
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:37 pm

As far as I can see you're trying to adjust settings blindly without understanding what they do, thinking you'll get right settings magically.
The HiHat pedal VU-meter shows you what position MegaDrum thinks the pedal is in. A full VU-meter means fully open, an empty VU-meter means fully close. Use VU-meter as a hepler when adjusting LowLevel and HighLevel. Do you understand what LowLevel and HighLevel settings do from http://www.megadrum.info/content/hihat-pedal-settings ? Maybe I need to correct the description of these settings?
Also see Usuful posts/links for configuring MegaDrum at the top of this subforum. There you will see Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12 HiHat controllers which also applies for many other HiHat pedals/controllers.
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby krickgpe » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:54 pm

I have read and applied the method described here: Usuful posts/links for configuring MegaDrum
First try with the Low impedance position this is what I get :
AltIn set to "no"
LevelsAuto set to "no"
First step : set LowLevel at 11 and HighLevel at 1023
Second step : setting the LowLevel by pressing the pedal within 5-10% of fully closed at this time without pressing the pedal
the "raw level" it's between 42 & 45 (not stable). Fully closed I get 3 and 5-10% of fully closed I get about 18 so I set the Low Level at 15.
Third step : setting HighLevel as describe in methode. Fully open the "raw level" is 49 and 5-10% of fully open I get 39
Setting the HighLevel to 39.
This What I get onthe midi monitor of MDM :
and the midi events now without CC4 pb:

I have to adjust the settings but it works and the CC4 problem disappeared. But is it normal value are so low?

What is the High impedance position of the swicht on MD middle or down?
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Re: HH Controler midi events pb

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:07 pm

High impedance position for the switch is down.
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