False triggering and diy cymbal

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby cagrisari » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:11 pm

I bought a "56inputs ARM based module" 2-3 months ago from Dmitri. For now, I have set only snare drum, toms and floortoms with "dual zone" method. I'm going to set cymbals next.

Although I have read many of articles in forums, I can't fix problems written below.

1- Although snare drum and floortom are not connected to each other physically, I recieve signal from each one when I hit one of them. For example: I hit snare, I recieve snare+floortom(but low level) signal.

I expect that XTalk group and XTalk Level parameters work well in case two pads are connected to each other physically.(Snare drum and floortoms are not connected physically in my setup.)

What should I do to seperate each pad's signal? (I checked XTalk parameters)

2- I am going to start building cymbals setup. There are different designes. Which design fit for Megadrum? I am going to try 3 zone Ride with choke, 2zone Crash with choke and 2 zone Hi-hat.
Which design is easy to set and use for Megadrum?

3- What is a "switch box" for cymbals? What does it do? Does it contain a piezo?

4- Which material should I use while building a "choke switch" to gain maximum conductivity should they contact to cymbals?

5- Piezo's which are fixed to cymbals be fixed with should double side plaster or hot glue? Does it make sense?

Thank you for answers.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:35 pm

cagrisari wrote:Hi,
I bought a "56inputs ARM based module" 2-3 months ago from Dmitri. For now, I have set only snare drum, toms and floortoms with "dual zone" method. I'm going to set cymbals next.

Although I have read many of articles in forums, I can't fix problems written below.

1- Although snare drum and floortom are not connected to each other physically, I recieve signal from each one when I hit one of them. For example: I hit snare, I recieve snare+floortom(but low level) signal.

I expect that XTalk group and XTalk Level parameters work well in case two pads are connected to each other physically.(Snare drum and floortoms are not connected physically in my setup.)

What should I do to seperate each pad's signal? (I checked XTalk parameters)

What are Threshold and Gain on these two inputs?
Can you take a picture of how they both mounted in your setup?

2- I am going to start building cymbals setup. There are different designes. Which design fit for Megadrum? I am going to try 3 zone Ride with choke, 2zone Crash with choke and 2 zone Hi-hat.
Which design is easy to set and use for Megadrum?

3- What is a "switch box" for cymbals? What does it do? Does it contain a piezo?

4- Which material should I use while building a "choke switch" to gain maximum conductivity should they contact to cymbals?

5- Piezo's which are fixed to cymbals be fixed with should double side plaster or hot glue? Does it make sense?

One problem/question per topic. Create a new topic for this.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby cagrisari » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:56 pm

I will take you pictures about this tomorrow.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby cagrisari » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:45 pm

I solved it. Thank you.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:27 pm

What was it?
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby cagrisari » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:57 pm

The problem was threshold and gain value. I pulled down and solved :S
But I have another problem with snare. Is there any other way split rim and head?
I checked mid point and midth point width values but still I can't fix problem.
When I hit both of head and rim(shell) at the same time, I recieve both of them sound.
If I solve this problem, I feel like a king.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:05 pm

cagrisari wrote:The problem was threshold and gain value. I pulled down and solved :S
But I have another problem with snare. Is there any other way split rim and head?
I checked mid point and midth point width values but still I can't fix problem.
When I hit both of head and rim(shell) at the same time, I recieve both of them sound.
If I solve this problem, I feel like a king.

One problem per topic. Create another topic with a detailed problem description including type of the pad and all the relevant settings on it.
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Re: False triggering and diy cymbal

Postby cagrisari » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:23 pm

Ok. Thank you.
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:32 pm

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