Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:01 pm

Ok Angr77 !

I guessed it was that, but didn't get the time to try !
I use Superior Drummer.

Of course I want to share settings with you ! For actual Megadrum customers, for future ones, and for Megadrum project itself !
I give you all this when I am totally happy with the settings.

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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby dmitri » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:11 pm

CharlySombreCoeur wrote:I hit the pad fully depressed, and I get open hat sound. But, I beggin to press, and I dont get sound anymore.
And when I fully press the pedal, I get chick sound. But when I hit the pad with pressed pedal, I get chick sound as well ?!?

The VU meter shows the pedal working perfectly, but I guess it doesn't send CC message correctly ?

If you use CC Messages then you have to set all BowSO/EdgeSO/BellSO/BowHO/EdgeHO/BellHO/BowSCL/EdgeSCL/BellSCL/BowCL/EdgeCL/BellCL notes equal to notes of the HiHat cymbal.
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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:48 pm

Ok, it has been done, and it works.

Now, some questions to fine tune this hat :

I have 6 steps on the controller; 5 between fully opened and fully closed; and 1 "hard closed"
By any matter, can I use all those steps ?

The hard closed is very interesting with Superior Drummer sound, but when I use it, I cannot have nice chicks, because it is not possible to press so hard so fast. Any Ideas ?


I did set Invert to yes, but it did't worked as expected. The chick was when I depressed the pedal.
On your setting explanations, you say 0 for fully open, 127 for fully closed; but in MDM, the bargraph shows the opposite !
What is right ?

By the way, I inverted Steps Levels (OpenLvl, SopenLvl ...) Is that normal ?


I have read about ShrtChckTh and LngChckTh, but I still dont understand the exact use. Can you explain me more ?

I know this is a lot of questions, so thank you to take the time !

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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:03 am

CharlySombreCoeur wrote:Ok, it has been done, and it works.

Now, some questions to fine tune this hat :

I have 6 steps on the controller; 5 between fully opened and fully closed; and 1 "hard closed"
By any matter, can I use all those steps ?

Yes, of course. You use CC Messages so it is it is up to the software (Superior Drummer) to decide what to do at each level.

The hard closed is very interesting with Superior Drummer sound, but when I use it, I cannot have nice chicks, because it is not possible to press so hard so fast. Any Ideas ?

Again, if I understand it right, since you use CC Messages it is up to Superior Drummer to generate chicks and splashes so these notes in MegaDrum should be set to unassigned by Superior Drummer notes or Superior Drummer should be configure to ignore them.

I did set Invert to yes, but it did't worked as expected. The chick was when I depressed the pedal.
On your setting explanations, you say 0 for fully open, 127 for fully closed; but in MDM, the bargraph shows the opposite !
What is right ?

You should not inverse the signal.

By the way, I inverted Steps Levels (OpenLvl, SopenLvl ...) Is that normal ?

I didn't quite get the question.

I have read about ShrtChckTh and LngChckTh, but I still dont understand the exact use. Can you explain me more ?

You use CC Messages, you can ignore that.
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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:22 am

Hi Dmitri,

Thank you for the answers !

There is still things I dont understand but I have to make attempts before asking more....

... or maybe, only one :

You mean that the chick note sent by MD & assigned in Superior Drummer make my hat to do double chicks ?


I tell you soon if I succeded !

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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:50 pm

CharlySombreCoeur wrote:Hi Dmitri,

Thank you for the answers !

There is still things I dont understand but I have to make attempts before asking more....

... or maybe, only one :

You mean that the chick note sent by MD & assigned in Superior Drummer make my hat to do double chicks ?

It may very well be the case.
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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:20 am


Tonight I did set the RHH130 Hat :

I removed chick note, but didn't get any chick with CC Message in superior drummer. I read superior drummer's manual, and it says to set the note for chick.
Could be SD that cannot make chick with CC message ?

This Hat has a tight closed position that gives Velocity 0. So I set low level to 11, the minimum. But in this case, chick sound is hard to get.
If I set LowLevel to 90, Chick is easy but no tight closed.
By any matter, could we change the level threshold where the chick note is made ?

In the end, the controller has "resistor steps" . When the pedal is right between two steps, it jumps quickly, and make sound glitches in SD. Could we have a parameter as Minscan or Retrigger, to avoid those jumps ?

This is enough for now.

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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby dmitri » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:07 am

CharlySombreCoeur wrote:Hi,

This Hat has a tight closed position that gives Velocity 0. So I set low level to 11, the minimum. But in this case, chick sound is hard to get.
If I set LowLevel to 90, Chick is easy but no tight closed.
By any matter, could we change the level threshold where the chick note is made ?

I will think about it. Does anybody else thing it's worth implementing or it could be done in software like SD?

In the end, the controller has "resistor steps" . When the pedal is right between two steps, it jumps quickly, and make sound glitches in SD. Could we have a parameter as Minscan or Retrigger, to avoid those jumps ?

There is already such a parameter - CC Reduction Level.
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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:52 am

Hi Dmitri,

I checked SD2 Manual, and there is no such setting. But I have to watch about midi nodes maybe (Special engine in SD2).
I tell you if I find any option corresponding to change the pedal level where a chick is made.

The CC reduction Parameter seems to be not enough in level 3. For pressing the pedal by the top, I get something like 80 CC messages. And the problem occurs when I am in the frontier of two steps.
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Re: Yamaha DTXtreme IIs Kit to set up. Help !!!

Postby CharlySombreCoeur » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:11 pm

I checked again, about chick note. And it is Megadrum that send the note when the pedal reaches low level. There is no way to manage this in SD2.

In Addictive Drums, everiything is made with CC message ??
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