1. Only the head trigger can handle PS. The rim is not in volved here. Use the rim as as usual trigger and trigger a sound but with the PS set to disabled.
2. There is fine information available. Go to Dmitris post on the first page...click on the PS-board Post. Follow the thread.
3. MD sends PS info on cc channel 16 for all drums. 0-126 dependent to where you hit on the head. (minscan value will have impact if PS info could be read. I am using 50)
4. Same channel cc16. It does not matter. Looking on the midi data stream...first it sends the PS value followed by the midi note and velocity...so if you have 5 pads with ps enabled...no problem. You will have more problems to find a VST that supports PS on more than snare and ride. (SD and AD).
5. Pass...