Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby G-Man » Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:50 am

I also wanted to do this with all my symbols and crashes, have 1 piezo for the edge sounds then have an isolated bell piezo for the same type of smbol but into another connector. Is that possible to do?
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby ignotus » Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:28 pm

G-Man wrote:I also wanted to do this with all my symbols and crashes, have 1 piezo for the edge sounds then have an isolated bell piezo for the same type of smbol but into another connector. Is that possible to do?

What you're talking about is a dual piezo/piezo pad - that can be done quite easily and is already taken care of by the firmware.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby airflamesred » Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:53 pm

OK so the piezo is wired to both the head and rim. I've got 2 separate notes dependent on velocity. The velocity required for the rim note is set with alt note value on the rim.
The only issue with this is that because 2 is the lowest number in the velocity curve, this note will always sound.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby angr77 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:39 pm

There should maybe be a CutOn function....to alternate with for piezo 1 which works in the area from 0 to a alt note level value.

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Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby ignotus » Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:49 pm

angr77 wrote:There should maybe be a CutOn function....to alternate with for piezo 1 which works in the area from 0 to a alt note level value.

Yep, this along with airflamesred's suggestion of routing the same piezo to 2 inputs would do the job for me. I still think that getting the same input to change its note after a velocity threshold would be less complicated hardware-wise, but maybe it's more complicated to do in firmware - it would require 2 more parameters (velocity threshold/2nd note) whereas the other idea just involves one - "CutOn", as angr77 aptly called it.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby angr77 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:55 pm

What do our best friend Dmitri think about such function? :-)

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Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:36 pm

At the moment I'm listening and thinking. Among other things I consider:
1. It probably can done in software in a PC, e.g. using virtual MIDI ports like MIDI-Yoke and some MIDI re-mapping utility.
2. If it is to be implemented in the firmware, why only 2 layers? if more than two then how many?
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby airflamesred » Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:44 am

I think there is room at present, using pnote, for 2 notes and I think this would be enough for those triggering dedicated drum VST.
As Dmitri has said before that a lot of this stuff can (and is better) done in the VST and this includes the other request of varying note off, that someone brought up a while ago.

Personally I would prefer the wiring approach and the lower value of the curve being 0, but I see this won't suit those who don't want/can't solder.

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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby angr77 » Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:17 pm


i think a basic implementation of two layers will do the trick. if you look for a more advanced solution with many layers and breakpoints - a VST solution makes sense.

A "cut on" function would work for me...using two inputs...but a very nice implementation would be to have a two layers choice per input channel...but I am guessing the implementation would be a bit more advanced then.

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Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby ignotus » Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:25 pm

Yes, I agree that 2 notes would be enough because any more than that wouldn't really make sense - it'd be easy enough to trigger one note or another by giving the pad a hard or a soft hit, but trying to get any more notes out of a pad consistently by using varying strength would be very tricky. As for doing it in the VST, I'd be all for it, but AFAIK only Superior Drummer would let you do that with the "midi nodes" function.
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