Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby dmitri » Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:54 am

mbira wrote:I'm not really understanding why to handle this in megadrum and not just in the PC? This is already very common in many samplers.

This is what I suggested in my first reply. I don't want to waste MegaDrum MCU internal resources for something which is not really useful.
So is this "velocity layers split" function needed/wanted or not?
airflamesred wrote:I'd like to keep the alt note feature for use with L/R articulations.

If implemented, this new function won't break any existing functionality so you'll be able to continue using layering the way you do it with alternative/pressroll notes.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby ignotus » Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:01 pm

mbira wrote:I'm not really understanding why to handle this in megadrum and not just in the PC? This is already very common in many samplers.
Maybe in many but not in all - for me and for others it means using another application to remap the midi data. I know, it's not really that hard, but if it could be done in MD, it would simply make things easier.
dmitri wrote:This is what I suggested in my first reply. I don't want to waste MegaDrum MCU internal resources for something which is not really useful.
So is this "velocity layers split" function needed/wanted or not?
If it'll hog resources that might be better used for other improvements, then I'd say forget it - but I thought it wouldn't have an impact? Either way, now I know how it can be done by other means I understand if you'd prefer not to implement it.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby dmitri » Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:24 pm

ignotus wrote:If it'll hog resources that might be better used for other improvements, then I'd say forget it - but I thought it wouldn't have an impact?

It won't have immediate impact since there are still spare bits/bytes in the already allocated config structure. It's just if I use these spare bits/bytes for this function now, then for any new (more useful?) feature I will have to expand the config structure which may make Atmega644 based MegaDrum unlucky.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby ignotus » Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:39 pm

dmitri wrote:It won't have immediate impact since there are still spare bits/bytes in the already allocated config structure. It's just if I use these spare bits/bytes for this function now, then for any new (more useful?) feature I will have to expand the config structure which may make Atmega644 based MegaDrum unlucky.
Hmm... as the owner of an Atmega644-based MD (I already upgraded from an Atmega32 a few years ago) I think I might prefer to hold out for something more critical that couldn't be done with the PC... I've done some testing using qmidiroute and it does the job nicely, and a couple more clicks when setting up my kit isn't going to kill me ;)
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby airflamesred » Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:20 pm

Ok, I shall be moving to Kontakt next month, and has been pointed out this stuff can be done elsewhere, so lets see what crops up.

@Mbira I don't know whether your older post got resolved but I found this

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: Feature request: velocity-dependent notes

Postby dmitri » Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:00 pm

I understand that the conclusion is that it can be done in a PC and not a functionality which should be implemented in firmware.
Good that I didn't start implementing it :)
It was a nice discussion so if anyone has any other features requests, don't hesitate to post them in the forum!
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