Been away a while but I'll finally have some time again to work on this project. I also have some things/ideas I'm hoping we can sort out...
I'd like to contribute to the testing in a week...
angr77 wrote:Hi!
I have loaded the new firmware (It was very hard to update the firmware - it took like 45 attempts before it worked - It has been like this during the last year - nothing new)
Running the new MDM / New Firmware. It seems to work like a charm. I first made a backup with MDM 20130901 of my MD config and saved it to a MDM file.
After upgrading the firmware - I was running the new MDM version and re-opened and saved my configuration back to MD. Just to be sure.
Now - I did look on the functionality - Very nice that you could set a name on the configuration instead of having a slot number.
I am guessing the new buttons "save" and "get" only sends the name of the config...not the actual configuration.
Or. Nice to see which current config which is loaded in MD...on the LCD and the MD field "CurrentConfig".
I am guessing the old button "save to slot" - is saving to the current config? (I have never trusted this function...I have manually saved the config to the right slot on my MD) Does it really work now and is saving to a slot? (So if I turn the MD off...It is reading the right config saved to slot 1. (With autoload config= yes)
To be able to save the current config in MDM to another slot - please use the menu - "main - all setting - save to slot. You will here now see all slots...just to pick the right one.
Good to be reading the post above about the old config dropdown in MDM...that this has nothing to do with the MD slots...only in MDM. A bit confusing if you see it for the first time. Should maybe moved in the GUI. The save to slot could maybe moved to the slot name get - save part.
angr77 wrote:Slot 1 seems to have way to be able to save to this slot.
angr77 wrote:I used at first a too long name like "Addictive" - e.g. 9 characters...could that cause the problems?
dmitri wrote:Just an idea:
From a logical standpoint - I am guessing the "save to slot" means that the current config in RAM on the MD is saved into a slot. However, this could be a bit confusing in MDM ... I would expect that most people would consider that the config seen in MDM is saved in to a md slot. (But the right process would be "Send All" from MDM and then do the save to slot in MDM.
Should the work related to MDM sending/receiving MD data have it´s own panel and the internal MD operational task driven from MDM should have its own panel to make this clear? (This is why I have not been trusting - I did not understand that the "save to slot" function...and instead used the manual process on the MD)
angr77 wrote:Hi again!
Results from race 4: Works great!! Now it is possible to save to slot 1 with a name. Rebooting the MD - And the data is there.
Some notes:
It seems like when reading back configuration from MD to MDM...the configname is truncated to 8 characters. You can send 12 characters and see it on the MD...but when reading back from is 8 letters. Saving back...then you have 8 letters also on the MD.
When starting to work with more configurations on different slots...the only way to change to e.g. slot 2 and read back the that you need to select/load the right slot on the MD first. No problem really...but if you want control everything from should be able to select the current slot in MDM. Saving to the right slot from MDM is no problem!
Other stuff
It seems like the LCD contrast is not working when sending from MDM.
All Gains Low - Has that parameter disappeared on the MD? I can't find it any where
dmitri wrote:angr77 wrote:Hi again!
Results from race 4: Works great!! Now it is possible to save to slot 1 with a name. Rebooting the MD - And the data is there.
Some notes:
It seems like when reading back configuration from MD to MDM...the configname is truncated to 8 characters. You can send 12 characters and see it on the MD...but when reading back from is 8 letters. Saving back...then you have 8 letters also on the MD.
I'll check that.
Other stuff
It seems like the LCD contrast is not working when sending from MDM.
I'll check that.
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