Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware


Postby amasone101 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:18 pm

Hello Dmitri and Friends:
After many attempts I cannot get the MegaDrum's MIDI IN, OUT, or MIDI THROUGH to work, or to recognize a Midi signal?
Equipment Setup:
1 newly purchased MegaDrum (56) with the latest downloaded firmware (20131111)
1 Roland Quad-Capture audio interface (Midi In/Out, USB 2.0)
1 Midi Keyboard Controller (MK-4902) (Midi In/Out, NO USB)
1 Applications software>Sonar X1 Producer, includes SI and Addictive Drum plug-in's
1 Intel Core-I7 computer with 12gig of memory
Scenario-1 and Objective:
The objective is to have a midi keyboard controller pass midi through the MegaDrum so I can trigger the multiple drums and synths Sonar X1 provides. All midi settings on the MegaDrum are set to Midi-Through. I see no indications of a signal at the MegaDrum and cannot trigger anything from Sonar X1. There is no midi signal being passed through.

Next I loaded the MegaDrum Manager (MDM) console after I confirmed all the settings directly from the MegaDrum appliance. The MGM sees the MegaDrum appliance. Midi settings are MegaDrum-USB-Midi for In, Out, and Through.
Note: Connecting a Roland TD7 pad to the MegaDrum works with no problem. However, I had to change my Midi settings, to recognize the Roland Quad Capture. This was done through the MDM.

After many unsuccessful attempts I directly connected the MK-4902-Keyboard Controller to the Roland Quad Capture. I was then able to trigger the Sonar X1 applications and plug-in with no problem.
Please Note: In this scenario, I had Sonar X1 running along with the MDM. When I pressed a Key, the MegaDrum MDM registered the midi-note. Puzzling? I then took the liberty of powering down the MegaDrum appliance, only. When I pressed a Key, the MDM was still registering midi notes?

When my setup is complete, I will be using 3 Alesis controllers. All appliances will use usb, however, in this problem case, I would also like to be able to utilize all the midi functions that the MegaDrum offers. For testing purposes, at this time, I need to use the MK-4902-Keyboard Controller which has no usb capabilities.

Thanks Dmitry and Everyone for you help and assistance!
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Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:34 pm

amasone101 wrote:Scenario-1 and Objective:
The objective is to have a midi keyboard controller pass midi through the MegaDrum so I can trigger the multiple drums and synths Sonar X1 provides. All midi settings on the MegaDrum are set to Midi-Through. I see no indications of a signal at the MegaDrum and cannot trigger anything from Sonar X1. There is no midi signal being passed through.

I understand the problem is with MIDI signals from the keyboard not coming through MegaDrum. It may be because the MIDI signal from the keyboard is just a bit low or MegaDrum's sensitivity on the MIDI In is a bit low. I tested MegaDrum's MIDI In (and Thru) with a few MIDI devices - namely Novation 25 keyboard, Yamaha MIDI Guitar, MIDI Mobilizer for iPad and a few No-Name devices - and all of them were working fine. But in your case there could be an unfortunate mismatch. Can you try to connect Roland Quad Capture's MIDI Out to MegaDrum's MIDI In and send MIDI data from Roland Quad Capture's MIDI Out-> MegaDrum's MIDI In and check if you see MIDI data from MegaDrum USB or MIDI Out?
Also, make sure you use the MIDI In port (second from the right MIDI socket when looking from the back) on the MegaDrum module and not the MIDI Out port (rightmost MIDI socket when looking from the back) when connecting the keyboard or Roland Quad Capture to MegaDrum.

Next I loaded the MegaDrum Manager (MDM) console after I confirmed all the settings directly from the MegaDrum appliance. The MGM sees the MegaDrum appliance. Midi settings are MegaDrum-USB-Midi for In, Out, and Through.
Note: Connecting a Roland TD7 pad to the MegaDrum works with no problem. However, I had to change my Midi settings, to recognize the Roland Quad Capture. This was done through the MDM.

Sorry, I don't quite understand what the problem is here.

After many unsuccessful attempts I directly connected the MK-4902-Keyboard Controller to the Roland Quad Capture. I was then able to trigger the Sonar X1 applications and plug-in with no problem.
Please Note: In this scenario, I had Sonar X1 running along with the MDM. When I pressed a Key, the MegaDrum MDM registered the midi-note. Puzzling? I then took the liberty of powering down the MegaDrum appliance, only. When I pressed a Key, the MDM was still registering midi notes?

You probably configured MDM's MIDI In port the same as Sonar's MIDI Out port (or it may be sending to all available MIDI ports).
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Postby amasone101 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:25 am

Hello Dmitri and Friends:
I have confirmed a MIDI signal at the MegaDrum appliance using your recommendations.

Here is the sequence of activity:

1. Keyboard controller midi out to midi in on Quad Capture interface
2. MIDI out of Quad Capture audio interface to the input of the MegaDrum
3. USB of the MegaDrum and the Quad Capture directly connected to the Computer
3.1 The test begins with Sonar X1 and the Mega Drum Manager opened on the computer.
3.2 The MIDI settings on the MegaDrum Manager are set in accordance to the physical connection of the MIDI devices, according to your recommendations.
3.3 Upon touching a Key from the keyboard controller, a not registration was identified within the MDM, and, the red led illuminates at the MegaDrum appliance.
What I discovered is; if I discontinue the MDM program, and press a Key from the keyboard controller, no illumination at the MegaDrum appliance occurs and I do not know why?
Reason for this test:
This test will confirm the complete use of the MegaDrum. Currently, I use 40 plus triggers in use with my Drum Kit with an array of MIDI controllers. Matrix programs like Beat Scape and the Matrix within Sonar X1 and X3 allow us to advance to new levels of Music within percussion movement. The beninfits of using a complete DAW like Sonar supersedes the stand alone drum programs. Now, Addictive Drums is sold with Sonar X3 Touch Screen. Very Cool, very, state of the art.

I will keep all informed with the of each stage of this project.

Thank you Dmitry!

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Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:03 am

amasone101 wrote:Here is the sequence of activity:

1. Keyboard controller midi out to midi in on Quad Capture interface
2. MIDI out of Quad Capture audio interface to the input of the MegaDrum
3. USB of the MegaDrum and the Quad Capture directly connected to the Computer
3.1 The test begins with Sonar X1 and the Mega Drum Manager opened on the computer.
3.2 The MIDI settings on the MegaDrum Manager are set in accordance to the physical connection of the MIDI devices, according to your recommendations.
3.3 Upon touching a Key from the keyboard controller, a not registration was identified within the MDM, and, the red led illuminates at the MegaDrum appliance.

So it seem Quad Capture's MIDI Out and MegaDrum's MIDI In are quite happy together.

What I discovered is; if I discontinue the MDM program, and press a Key from the keyboard controller, no illumination at the MegaDrum appliance occurs and I do not know why?

Can you repeat the test without MDM (steps 3.1 - 3.3) and enabling MIDI Thru on MegaDrum manually via the Menu?
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Postby amasone101 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:47 am

Hello Dmitry:
Can you repeat the test without MDM (steps 3.1 - 3.3) and enabling MIDI Thru on MegaDrum manually via the Menu?
I did retry the test from 3.1 - 3.3 and the results were, the MegaDrum red led does not flash. Only when the MDM is active do I see the red light flash. I tested with an Alesis usb midi control pad.

This is not a problem, I can still make MIDI connections to the Quad Capture and trigger Sonar X1 plugins. I will focus in the direction of taking my Alesis drum controllers to a USB hub, and use the MegaDrum for trigger pads, which work.

Thank you Dmitry for your immediate responses!

Much appreciated,
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Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:50 am

amasone101 wrote:Hello Dmitry:
Can you repeat the test without MDM (steps 3.1 - 3.3) and enabling MIDI Thru on MegaDrum manually via the Menu?
I did retry the test from 3.1 - 3.3 and the results were, the MegaDrum red led does not flash. Only when the MDM is active do I see the red light flash. I tested with an Alesis usb midi control pad.

This is strange. It shouldn't matter at all if MDM is running or not. When you have time and if you want to get down to the root of the problem I'll need to get a bit more details from your setup to be able to reproduce the problem and suggest a way to fix it.
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Postby amasone101 » Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:16 am

Hello Dmitry,
I did try your suggestions and I think I may have "Logically" come up with an answer.
1. MegaDrum will show you what it sees in Midi. Please allow me to explain; MegaDrum sees Midi-in from the Quad Capture, so MegaDrum will accept Midi-in from the Quad Capture. This method works when plugging in a Midi-Keyboard to the Quad Capture midi-in, and midi-out from the Quad Capture to the Midi-in of the MegaDrum

2. Sonar X1 reconizes the MegaDrum and the Quad Capture. (All good).
2.1 The i7 Windows 8.1 computer reconizes the Quad Capture usb connection. The MegaDrum usb connection at the computer is reconized as "USB Composite Device". (I don't know if this matters? The Quad Capture shows itself as a separate usb device, in color, and all input and output listings". You can see this display at Computer>manage>devices.

So it seems, for my MegaDrum, regarding Midi, all connections would go into the Quad Capture-midi in and midi-out into the Midi-in of the MegaDrum. This seems to work. All good.

I just have to give the MegaDrum what it wants and all devices works.

All Good, and thank you!
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Postby angr77 » Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:19 am


I have been following this post...
In the current setup you are the MD last device in the midi chain? And that you are using MDs USB connection to get all midi signals( including the keyboard) into Sonar? do you get your midi in?

Suggestions If you go for a straight USB path with your MD:( no plain midi connections to your quad card please in this step)
In your first posts you claimed that when running MDM, the system locks up.

Hidden secret: If you use MD over USB and run will see two equal midi ports in the list. (same in sonar) MegaDRUM Midiport 1 & 2. These ports are the same but...when configure your system...set up Sonar software to use the megadrum midi port 1 and when using MDM at the same time please use MegaDrum Midi port 2 (both for output/input)

This will give you the opportunity to use MDM and Sonar at the same time without any errors or lockups.

In Windows 8.1 you should be able to see the MegaDRUM Midi Device when running it over USB. (USB composite device sounds strange...but i must recheck this on my 8.1 system)

In the USB path kind of the setup...keep you keyboard connected to your Quad card over plain midi...and use this setup to get the keyboard midi signal through the Quads USB connection in Sonar.

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Postby amasone101 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:15 am

Greetings Angr77:
Thank you for your inquiry. Here are my answers, to your questions, in paragraph order as you asked them.
Paragraph 1:
Q1: Yes, the MegaDrum is last in the Midi chain.
Q2: My working configuration is, Keyboard>Quad Capture, Quad Capture>usb to Computer. Next, Quad Capture Midi-Out > MegaDrum Midi-in. MegaDrum-usb out to Computer. When Sonar is activated, and a Key is pressed at the controller, the MegaDrum appliance and the MDM will recognize and register the midi signal and note. This method is working.

Please note that MegaDrum will reconize the midi signal, "only if the midi out of the quad capture is connected to the midi in of the MegaDrum". I had thought the MegaDrum usb/midi connections would avoid me having to make a midi connection in, from the out of the Quad Capture.
Paragraph 2:
Origanilly I tried this suggestion. I was under the assumption that the USB-Midi connections would avoid me making Midi connections between the MegaDrum and the QuadCapture. In my findings, the answer was No, and quite understandable, because, you must give the MegaDrum what it sees, according the MDM.

Paragraph 3:
Yes, I found that to be correct.

Paragraph 4:
I have found the USB setting in MS-OS-8.1 device manager for MegaDrum to be strange, while the Quad Capture lists itself right at the top of the device list? The device manager shows "everything" related to the Quad Capture, just as you see it in Sonar, and from the Quad Captures configuration editor". FYI: You have to plug and unplug the MegaDrum and wait for the refresh from within the device manager so you can see the usb listing. I see no MegaDrum name listed?

Please inform us of your findings listed in Paragraph 4, Line 3-4

Thank you for your response.
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Postby angr77 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:10 pm

Hi again.

Just one question regarding your setup... it is great if this works but why do you need the midi signal from the keyboard to be present in MDM? The most logical thing would have been to tap the midi signal from the keyboard, directly from the quad captures midi-USB interface... or... have I missed anything? (instead of routing it from quad to MD)

For the windows 8.1 listings in device manager... mine do look like this:
(please note that no drivers have been installed... as MD is using core midi drivers.)

I have been fooling around with my setup... somebody augmented that a legacy midi port would send drum data in more harmonized way... I have been testing this... and had my MD connected to my sound cards midi in/midi out. But comparing this setup against to do it over the USB-Midi port... will just increase the latency. What I do see when I have my MD connected in this way (physically with both legacy midi & USB midi at the same time) is that I am able to see all three channels in MDM. (MD 1 & 2 plus the external sound cards midi port. ) All these ports can configure the MD from MDM.

Finally, When everything is configured... it seems like it does not matter too much if the midi signal is coming from a legacy midi ports or if it comes from USB midi. This is a screenshot from my Steinberg Cubase midi dialog:

Best regards ANGR77
Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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