problems with piezo/switch pads

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problems with piezo/switch pads

Postby THI » Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:30 pm

Hi, everybody,

I am building some pads and they have been working very well until yesterday. I have built all drums and cymbals except the hihat. But yesterday I got the hihat (piezo/switch), but the switch was not working. I am pretty sure that is not a problem with the pad because it works well when used as a crash. Changing hihat for another pad, switch still no working, even using a roland pad. I have tried changing configs, but with no success.

Today I tried to load defaults, and some options in configurations disapeard. I installed the newest firmware, and now some options are back, some are not (including type: piezo/piezo / piezo/switch, still disapeard), and some new options are avaiable. But switch still not working and the other piezo/switch pads stopped working too.

I don't know what i did, but I am imagining that it is a config problem. Could anybody help me, please?

Thank very much
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Re: problems with piezo/switch pads

Postby dmitri » Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:46 pm

THI wrote:Hi, everybody,

I am building some pads and they have been working very well until yesterday. I have built all drums and cymbals except the hihat. But yesterday I got the hihat (piezo/switch), but the switch was not working. I am pretty sure that is not a problem with the pad because it works well when used as a crash. Changing hihat for another pad, switch still no working, even using a roland pad. I have tried changing configs, but with no success.

How do you know that the switch is not working?

Today I tried to load defaults, and some options in configurations disapeard. I installed the newest firmware, and now some options are back, some are not (including type: piezo/piezo / piezo/switch, still disapeard)

Are you saying that after the upgrade you don't have an option in the config to set DualHead to Yes on heads/bows and to set Type to Switch on rims/edges?

, and some new options are avaiable. But switch still not working and the other piezo/switch pads stopped working too.

What do you mean by "stopped working"?
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Re: problems with piezo/switch pads

Postby THI » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:17 pm

Hi, Dmitri,

I can see in the VU meter (LCD display) that only piezo bars are responding. Besides, in BFD software, the MIDI note related to the switch is not responding. I am pretty sure that electronics in the switchs are ok because I have checked too many times using a multimeter.

The option to set DualHead: yes/no is avaiable, but type is NOT. That is the most strange in my opinion. It seems that lots of opitions are avaiable no more. Is it possible when upgrade firmware?

I mean by "stopped working" that the cymbals that were working very well, now, after upgrade, they are not working in the switch too. It seems that the wrong configuration that was affecting hihat before is the same problem with the other cymbals now. :?

Thanks, Dmitri :)
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Re: problems with piezo/switch pads

Postby dmitri » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:42 pm

Well, if you don't have an option Type available, it's pointless to talk about piezo/switch pads/cymbals not working - it is impossible to configure piezo/switch pads/cymbals without this option.

1. With all settings at default (AutoloadConf must be set to No) on any of rims/edge inputs what setting come right after MinScan? Use buttons to scroll to wanted settings, not rotary encoders.
2. What AltEncoders is set to?
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Re: problems with piezo/switch pads

Postby THI » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:59 pm


my pads are working very well now. Reading your post trying to help me I realize that I was using the rotary encoders very "rough" and I could not see lots of configs. Shame on me! :oops:

It seems that everything is ok now. I am gonna play and make some tests to check if everything is really ok!

Anyway, thank you very much! My apologies for my mistake wasting your time... sorry :oops:

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