1. I have a normal standard hi hat and roland cy5 (1 piece). Under cy5 i have device which measure level (height) of that cy-5. I don’t use any Roland controller. So I should set Hi-hat as Pot, not as a F.Contr. Is is right ?
2. Due to the fact that it is POT and not F.CONT i understand that I shouldn’t touch any settings describe in your manual from following chapters ?
Rest of points concern POT (Potenciometr). Is it OK ?
3. I understand that values set in mentioned points has no REAL INFLUENCE for other setting – till i use POT and not use F.CONTR
For everyone comfort, here you have full list of hi hat chapters:
3 HiHat Pedal settings
3.1 Set HiHat Pedal Type
Type: F.Contr
Type: Pot
3.2 Set HiHat Pedal Curve
Curve: Linear
3.3 Set HiHat Pedal Chick Delay
ChckDelay: 0
3.4 Set HiHat Pedal Impedance
AltIn: No
3.5 Set HiHat Pedal Control Change Value
CC Value: 4
3.6 Set HiHat Pedal Control Change Reduction Level
CC RdcLvl: 0
3.7 Reverse HiHat Pedal Levels
LvlsRevers: No
3.8 Enable HiHat Soft Chicks
EnSoftChick: No
3.9 HiHat Pedal Auto Adjust
LevelsAuto: Yes
3.10 Set HiHat Pedal Low Level
LowLevel: 90
3.11 Set HiHat Pedal High Level
HiLevel: 900
3.12 Set HiHat Pedal Open Levels
OpenLvl: 8
3.13 Set HiHat Pedal Closed Level
3.14 Set HiHat Pedal Short Chick Level
ShrtChckTh 115
3.15 Set HiHat Pedal Long Chick Level
LngChckTh: 16
3.16 Combine HiHat Pedal With HiHat Cymbal Input
HHInput: 2
3.17 HiHat Pedal Note Number Settings
BowSO: G1 44
BowHO: G1 44
BowSCL:G1 44
BowCL: G1 44
Chick: F#2 42
Splsh: A#2 46