laptop recommendations

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laptop recommendations

Postby rahmanabas » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:35 am


I am planning to buy a new laptop. Since i have megadrum with atmega644, i was wondering which laptop can support ASIO with zero latency with my megadrum. Feel free to advise me further. :D
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Re: laptop recommendations

Postby dmitri » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:19 am

There is no such thing as ASIO zero latency.
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Re: laptop recommendations

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:59 pm

Claims are made, of zero latency, but it's not realistic nor needed. 10ms or lower you'll not notice.

You would notice the difference between the atmega and the arm versions though. Well worth the investment

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Re: laptop recommendations

Postby ignotus » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:55 pm

airflamesred wrote:You would notice the difference between the atmega and the arm versions though. Well worth the investment
So here's the scenario: Maybe I can knock off a couple of ms latency, say, from 6 to 4, with a better sound card or driver. I won't notice it. But if I scrape off those 2ms with an Arm chip in my MD, I will? :lol:

Only messing... ;)

rahmanabas wrote:I am planning to buy a new laptop. Since i have megadrum with atmega644, i was wondering which laptop can support ASIO with zero latency with my megadrum. Feel free to advise me further.
I think the zero latency thingy is when you're monitoring - you can get zero latency doing that but it doesn't apply here.

I'd say any modern laptop's onboard sound card should be able to do low latency with the right drivers. I might be wrong. I don't think any "regular" laptops come with inbuilt fancy sound cards, so if it can't handle low latency you'll need an external card - in which case any laptop will do. An alternative is to use Linux. I run Addictive Drums on a 7-year-old laptop (1,86 ghz, 2gb ram, onboard sound) and it handles it fine - actual round-trip latency is probably higher but Jack runs stable at a reported latency of 4ms - like airflamesred says, I can only start to notice latency when it goes above 10-12.
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Re: laptop recommendations

Postby dmitri » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:29 pm

Just to clarify about zero latency - even real acoustic drums have a latency of around 2-3ms, the time it takes for sounds in air to travel from drums to your ears.
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