I finished digital board with Atmega 644 received from Dmitri, I assume that on it is not only the boot loader but also the FW (I do not know how to verify at this stage if FW is there or not.
I programmed PIC connected to USB.
Display is working well, contrast can be modified from MDM.
When I connect digital board (not connected to analog board) to my laptop via USB led is lighting for short time and then go off.
Question 1 --- is normal that after connecting to laptop and after on display appear "Megadrum info ..." to have all characters like underscores except first character from first raw which is full black?
Question 2 --- when I connect analog board to digital and then connect to laptop display is dead and after very short time laptop close the connection ... what could be? Or how to start the debugging? I installed on analog board HCF4051BE.