VH12 configuration

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: VH12 configuration

Postby angr77 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:32 pm

Oops...this could happen even to the best.

Just for curiousity...did you still have such a small gap between the low and high level?

I got the chance to test the td30 with vh13 for a hour last week and my feeling after have been playing with the system was that my MegaDrum with my VH11 is equal/slightly better in performance and precision seen from a pedal angle - however, i have still some work todo on the hihat bow/edge triggering on my system to make it to be equal. I do also truly beleive that the sound coming out from my Addictive Drums/Metal AdPak is way beyond the sounds found in the TD30.

On the roland TD30 associated pads i believe that roland have done something to create the extremly wide dynamics found on the pads when playing softhits...and changing to hard hits.

I really wonder how they do this....:-)
Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby ibanman555 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:11 pm

angr77 wrote:did you still have such a small gap between the low and high level?

On the roland TD30 associated pads i believe that roland have done something to create the extremly wide dynamics found on the pads when playing softhits...and changing to hard hits.

Yeah, my mind is scrambled... The difference in 'raw level' is now what it should be in comparison to your settings for example. With a 10k resistor, i have values of 898-1022. Meter is smooth as can be. I've been also trying to fine tune the bow/edge of my VH-12, and I am pretty happy with the sensitivity. I can play very soft to very hard on both the bow and edge and get enough separation between the two. Unfortunately what I am realizing now is, that in SD2 specifically, that each 'kit' has a different mapping for the high hat, so once I get one kit prepared and switch to another kit, the mapping is not the same, resulting in a mess. So, I am now trying to get a perfect MIDI note situation going with this hi hat so that it's consistent no matter what I want to play.

As far as pads are concerned, are you using a centrally located cone on the head or of to one side? My pads are disgustingly accurate as far as dynamics are concerned... Feels like a real drum and I'm very happy.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby mguerette » Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:48 pm

Small queston in regards to VH12 configuration does the hi Hat control need a TS cable or TRS cable I know the trigger is TRS for dual Zone. Thanks. I got the resistor for hihat installed by Dmitri

I received my module yesterday and getting there!
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby angr77 » Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:57 am


I am quite sure that my VH11 was delivered with 2x TRS cables when i bought it. It was total news yesterday...that it might be mono...investigations required....
Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby mguerette » Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:00 pm

Thanks I have done investigation, and the td20 module can work with ts and trs cable as per some forum, not sure with the megadrums,but I manage to have good response chick splash with picture of ibanman, I tried your sysex file for the hihat but was a hit an miss for me but got me on the right track, I used picture posted from ibanman and working a lot better only problem cannot get the dual zone to work right , I have made some change now I have 2 note trigger at the same time when hitting hihat the hihat sound and crossstick sound hehe. I only have the hihat connected at this time

Will get more work tonight if you guys have any recommendation or anything let me know !
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby shuey79 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:53 pm

I picked up a vh-12 just the other day but was wondering what wires I should solder the resistor to in megadrum?
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby shuey79 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:25 pm

No one can help? Do I solder to TIP and RING or TIP and Sleeve, or RING and Sleeve?
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby angr77 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:41 pm


If we talk about the pedal for vh-11/Vh-12, just install a 10-15 kohm beteende the tip and ring.

There are some posts about this on the forum. viewtopic.php?p=20778#p20778

Best Regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5 http://zourman.com
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: VH12 configuration

Postby shuey79 » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:47 pm

Awesome. Thanks!!
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