Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:03 pm

I shouldn't try to post late at night, sorry. I meant to say "bow" where I say "bell"

I am finding that I get the edge note when I strike the bell bow or the edge. I only get the bow note when I strike the bow and the edge simultaneously. Is there something I should immediately look at?

Since there is no bell switch on the RHH-135, I would expect that I want the BThreshold to be 0 (it should never trigger).
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:24 pm

In this case lower Threshold on the edge. Also see viewtopic.php?p=26276#p26276 and viewtopic.php?p=26177#p26177
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:05 pm

I had found the first of those posts and followed the instructions. I started seeing AT messages at threshold 1 and stopped seeing them at 23. So I have set the threshold to 11.

I had lowered the gain on the switch input. I will bring it back to the default 4, redo the edge threshold calibration, and report back with my results.

Thank you very much for the help.
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:16 pm

For Switch inputs it's actually better to raise Gain to widen the range of thresholds at which makes/breaks of a switch is detected.
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:31 am

OK. I raised the edge gain to 8 and reset the high level (963 if that matters).

I did the after touch procedure. I started making AT at 4, and it stopped at 108. I don't know if this is significant, but just before it stopped (Threshold ~ 104-107), it was starting to send AT messages on its own.

I then set the Threshold to 56.

Unfortunately, the end result is still the same. I get edge notes when the bow or edge is struck, and (weirdly) a bow note when the edge and bow are struck simultaneously.

I did plug the cymbal and the cable back into my old Yamaha brain and it correctly distinguishes bow and edge hits.

I do have the precision rectifier board, but I am not using positional sensing for this input. Could that be causing issues?
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:53 am

I tested the "something weird with Input 2/3" theory by copying the settings to Input 20/21. The behavior stays the same.

On the quite likely chance that I have done something stupid:

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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:08 pm

Try lowering Threshold by 1 at a time on the edge input until hitting bow stops producing edge notes. At what Threshold did it stop producing edge notes?
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:47 pm

I lowered it all the way to 0 and it never stopped producing edge notes.

I have no idea if this matters, but the reaction where I would get the bow note if I struck the bow and edge simultaneously stopped showing up at about threshold 5. It was nothing but edge hits after that.

I read the original summary to mean that I should reverse the inputs for the HH control. I did that and did not alter the HH cymbal input; that's correct, right?
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby dmitri » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:00 am

I just noticed in your Pedal settings:

Code: Select all
pedal.bowSemiOpenNote = 79
pedal.edgeSemiOpenNote = 46
pedal.bellSemiOpenNote = 46
pedal.bowHalfOpenNote = 79
pedal.edgeHalfOpenNote = 46
pedal.bellHalfOpenNote = 46
pedal.bowSemiClosedNote = 79
pedal.edgeSemiClosedNote = 46
pedal.bellSemiClosedNote = 46
pedal.bowClosedNote = 79
pedal.edgeClosedNote = 46
pedal.bellClosedNote = 46

That is all edge notes are 46 and all bow notes are 79, yet in your cymbal config edge note is 79 and bow note is 46. It doesn't look like it's correct. And if MegaDrum doesn't see the pedal as fully open then it will produce results as you experience.
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Re: Yamaha RHH-135 (Specification and Config)

Postby BiggerNoise » Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:37 am

Ummm....yeah...that was it.

I'm going to hide in the corner now; thanks for finding that.
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