What is the difference between Rom Maps and Rom kits?
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angr77 wrote:The ROM MAPs is a midimap for AD2 for a fixed base of MD inputs.
The ROM KIT includes the midimap above + PAD configurations for some well known triggers.
See my guide complete guide for AD2/ROM MAPS/KITS)
krickgpe wrote:When I load the RomKit Advanced (or RomMap Advanced) from MD I get multiples false triggers (snare, cymbals) then I'm not playing anything...Notice that I choose MD Advanced midi map in AD2....
Another strange thing, when I hit tom1 that trigg sound of tom3 in AD2 and I verified, the midi note in MD is the good one to trigg sound of tom3 in AD2...Do you've an idea where I've to
search the solutions of thoses problèmes?...
Thank you.
krickgpe wrote:As I said in the start of this post, I've also a "sysex timeout" error when I try to send the RomMap or RomKits from MDM to MD I didn't have this problem before...
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