PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby xploited » Mon May 26, 2008 11:47 pm

I figured it out. It was mac being evil.

I printed it to pdf then printed it again and it worked. go figure.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby xploited » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:29 pm

I'm actually still having problems with this board.

Has anyone successfully made it? .. with more then 3 working inputs?

Im not sure if its the jacks I used (Switching DPST from futurlec) or something else (board layout) but I'm almost insane from it and honestly getting pretty fed up.

You can see in the board design that all the lines are not going to the same side of the jacks for either the tip or the shaft of the 1/4" jacks. My jacks only connect on one side when they are plugged in. So when I put in a cable only one side of my jack is making a connection.

So I'm only having 3 working inputs, being Kick, Tom2 and Tom4 all on the board with the USB. You can see looking at the boards that those are the only Jacks with the tip connection on the right hand side. All the other jacks the tip connections are on the left (going by the mirrored image).

So I ask, is this an error in the board? or do most jacks connect on both sides?

Either way I don't think this layout will work with the type of Jacks I'm using. Which really really sucks because I made it twice..... and was told they would..

BTW, the jacks are at http://www.futurlec.com/Audio-65mm.shtml if you wanted to see what jacks I used. http://www.futurlec.com/Pictures/P065HQ.jpg is a picture of them.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby dmitri » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:29 pm

In this case I suggest you to wire jacks without this board.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby Synthex » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:48 pm

xploited wrote:So I ask, is this an error in the board? or do most jacks connect on both sides?

Of course, with this PCB, jacks must be connect on both sides.
What is the pinout of your jack ?
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby xploited » Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:08 pm

"Of course"? wouldn't switched jacks only connect on 1 side other then when a cable is in? Without the cable it connects on both side.. Thus making them impossible to use this that layout? or am I miss-understanding what a switched socket is and its just my specific switched socket that is causing the problem?

My pinout would be whatever the Kick, tom2 and tom4 are because they work fine.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby Synthex » Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:20 pm

I don't know your specific switched socket ... there are so ...
With this PCB layout, you need to use unswitched socket, contact must be made on both sides when plug is inserted.
I will perhaps change the PCB layout to take into account your type of socket.

In any case, you can use this layout, by making a connection between both side on each socket.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby xploited » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:52 am

Right right. I believe (after some more reseasrch) that all switched jacks are like mine and dissconnect the two sides when the plug is in. At least thats what every data sheet I looked at suggested.

Never thought about jumping them so thats a pretty easy fix I guess. Not overly pretty.. but it works.

Just wish I had noticed this before so I wouldn't have wasted money on pcb board.. that and I could have redesigned it for myself had I known... So,

In theory switched sockets are better since it prevents parasite signals on unconnected inputs. Mine are all un-switched but it doesn't seem to have any negative effect. If you do use switched sockets, make sure none of unused inputs are set as "switch type" triggers.

isn't 100% correct for future reference.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:55 am

xploited wrote:Just wish I had noticed this before so I wouldn't have wasted money on pcb board.. that and I could have redesigned it for myself had I known... So,

In theory switched sockets are better since it prevents parasite signals on unconnected inputs. Mine are all un-switched but it doesn't seem to have any negative effect. If you do use switched sockets, make sure none of unused inputs are set as "switch type" triggers.

isn't 100% correct for future reference.

And it is incorrect because...?
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby Synthex » Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:57 am

I will change the PCB layout to connect socket on the right side.
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Re: PCB DESIGN - Jacks PCB boards for 32 inputs

Postby Synthex » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:42 am

With your socket pinout, contact is made on the right side when plug is inserted (not on left side and when you see my PCB top) ?
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