Hi Megadrummers,
the last days I finished working on my drumset (apart from the cymbals which unfortunately still didn't arrive). Here's how my kit looks like right now:
Everything is quite okay at this state. Not really playable - esp. because of these two major flaws:
1.) Overspilling. This is really annoying, especially when I play fast tom rolls with lots of energy. To solve it I already tried:
- moving the cone farer away from the drum heads: did better the problem but not solve it. Now it's in the maximum distance position (when I push the cone 1nm further away slight hits won't be recognized).
- inserting resistors next to the cone. I started with 6,8kOhm and sequentially put more 4,8kOhm resistors in series until in the end I had ~25kOhm total, which still didn't solve the issue. Here's how I did the wiring:
The problem is still there. With some hard hits the surrounding channels will also light up. Any suggestions?
2.) HiHat. I use a Yamaha HH65 controller which seems to work well... I didn't manipulate it and also didn't use any further resisosters- and hey: the small LED block on the display shows me that I am able to get the most open and closed positions (5 substeps total)..=) okay! But unfortunately the chick doesn't work, at least not all the time. This is sick because when I play an open hihat note and then close the hihat (= press down the controller to the fullest) the sound of the open hat will still be there. BTW this is not a software problem, my sampler (addictive drums) handles this correctly if the right notes appear. Is there anything special I need to do to achieve the chick? I tried hitting the pedal harder, faster,.. didn't help.
I am looking forward to your help! Have a nice rest of the weekend!
BTW if you're planning to buy some practice cymbals here http://en.guitar-palace.eu/STAGG-14-Zoll-Uebungsbecken-aus-Kunststoff::12324.html better think about that twice, as they're the slowest online shop I've ever seen with a really weak service...