MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

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MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Wed May 11, 2016 6:20 pm

All work fine since two years.

Since one month, I observed difficulties for kick chanel to work fine : sometimes, it miss some hit, sometimes it detect unexistants hits...

Today, I've just unmount the mesh head, I let VSTi run, and I listened a rifle effect on kick ... The kick channel bar was full.

1) I try to disconnect the wire --> no effect
2) I Unwire MD module to see what happen on MDManager, on midilog view, I can see bars corresponding to kick note scroll like rifle effect
3) I try to rise trigger, and high level, the kick channel doesn't trig anything...
4) I have a sensitive position hit board, I disconnect the ribbon cable to isolate inputs ---> no effect
5) I remount ribbon cable, and I try to make a shortcut between ground and + of kick channel ---> Untriggering effect stop.
6) I try to reload current firmware --->no effect



It seems to be an electronic component which had burn...

Is it possible to have a repair, Dimitri? :roll:
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby dmitri » Wed May 11, 2016 6:33 pm

Do I understand it right?

1. Gain on the Kick input is set to 4.
2. Threshold on the Kick inputs is set to 30.
3. You unplugged the Kick cable from the module.

And with all of the above the Kick input keeps triggering on its own?
Please post a screenshot of settings in MDM of the Kick input and the screenshot of the MIDI Log showing the Kick triggering.
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Wed May 11, 2016 6:53 pm

Dear Dimitri,

1. Done
2. Done (and try higher values)
3. Done

Yes, the rest of chanels are clean.

MDManager screenshots :

My settings which I use, always work fine :


Settings you advises to me (except treshold, I set 30 and turn to 50)


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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Wed May 11, 2016 6:58 pm

Ah... I don't know If it's true, but, when I was re-mounted a new mesh head, I hit around piezo trigger with my finger, and I don't know if me eyes are true, I observed a kind of little electric arc... ...but nothing wrong on piezo, wires are sold correctly.
disorder appear after.
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby dmitri » Wed May 11, 2016 7:38 pm

Ok, it seems something is wrong with the input. I will continue with you over PM.
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Fri May 13, 2016 9:27 am

About settings :

In a goal to get a maximum note's velocity with any physical power, I adjust [High level] to a value of 150.
(In an other hand, I've [compression] and [level shift] raise to max. I expect, this parameters are post traitement)

My question is, about high level, Is there's an impact on electronic, if I set a too low value ?
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby dmitri » Fri May 13, 2016 1:24 pm

Settings don't have impact on electronics, i.e. they cannot cause a damage.
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Sat May 14, 2016 1:08 pm

Allright. ThX
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Re: MEGADRUM Input Out of Service : HELP!!!

Postby drumdhiver » Wed May 18, 2016 4:47 pm

Dear Dmitri,

I receive and install the board today.
All work, thank you so much!

I remark some things :
I don't know why, I've some settings files, I load each of them (which have no big differences between them), and my last chanel is empty (no configuration) for the 14th chanel...
Kick chanel work greater quite good than before,
Snare have much sensibility, but rim seems to be decalibrated, as the rim of tom1. The rest don't show particular differencies.
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