noteoff delay and pressroll time

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noteoff delay and pressroll time

Postby Chairapta » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:28 am

I do not quite understand the influence of these two parameters. someone can help me? :) thank you.

Next screen is NoteOff Delay:
<NoteOff Delay >
< 200 >
This setting configures how many milliseconds should pass before a Note Off MIDI message is sent after a previous Note On message. Can be set between 20 and 2000 milliseconds (0.02 - 2 seconds).
Next screen is PressRoll Time:
<PressRoll Time>
< 0 >
Maximum time out in milliseconds between consecutive hits for "pressroll" detection. If a next hit follows a previous hit in less than this time out then the note value for the hit will be taken from PNote (PBNote for 3rd zones) rather than from Note or ANote (BNote or ABNote for 3rd zones). Can be set between 0 and NoteOff Delay value.
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Joined: Sat May 14, 2016 7:11 am

Re: noteoff delay and pressroll time

Postby Kabonfaiba » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:47 pm

I was educated on this not too long ago, NoteOff delay is an old setting, that could be used on certain VSTs that make use of a note that sticks for a short while then closes automatically, like a auto choke I guess.

With positional sensing this isn't helpful, as you don't want the note to stick, but to respond to your movements over the surface of the mesh head quickly.

Pressroll is different, it needs a delay as a means to measure the interval of hits that happen within the setting you give it. If the setting is 50 - that means if two hits happen in under 50ms then send PNote.

It is very beneficial to have a tuned snare response beforehand making use of pressroll so you can control it effectively.

The NoteOff delay cannot be below pressroll timeout, so a balance must be found if you want to use positional sensing and pressrolls. 30 for both, is a good value for me.
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Re: noteoff delay and pressroll time

Postby Chairapta » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:15 pm

Ok thank you very much for the answer. I worked a bit this afternoon and I found another parameter that I placed on "yes" and it has changed my life :) (AltSamplingAlg).
On the snare , I arrive at a satisfactory result but still not perfect .
Posts: 39
Joined: Sat May 14, 2016 7:11 am

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