Successful Hihat/controller settings

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Successful Hihat/controller settings

Postby AndyB » Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:55 pm

So I have everything at a starting point - sort of. (Except cymbals but I will get to them) However, has anyone had any success at configuring Hihat/controller settings correctly. Over on the vdrum forum I asked and the helpful ignotus referred me to a thread where you can create a Hall Effect Sensor hihat. Thats cool & all but I currently have 3 hihat pedal controllers and was hoping to utilize one. I tried some of the powerhell library settings but still could not get the closed hihat sound. I currently have the Yamaha rhh135 with the controller in the cymbal, theYamaha rhh65 pedal, and Pearl EHH-1 pedal. For the pedals I am using a PCY65S cymbal for the hihat cymbal (I dont think that makes any difference though) I can get some sound especially the open sound and a closed sound when I hit the pedal but it still plays open when you engage the closed pedal. I tried the RHH135 with a reverse cable not much luck there. Anyone have any success. I tried the Roland FD-8 Pedal – With 15k resistor – Not required Pedal, Yamaha RHH130 Pedal – by CharlySombreCoeur Pedal for Superior Drums & the VH-12 Pedal 10k Resistor for SD 2.3.0 by ibanman555 Pedal. Still no luck. Has anyone had any success with others? Thanks
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Re: Successful Hihat/controller settings

Postby airflamesred » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:48 pm

Well I think it resonable to assume that some of those settings, (ibanman555 in particular) would work to some extent. What do you have so far?

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Re: Successful Hihat/controller settings

Postby AndyB » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:48 am

So far open and a closed sound when i press down on the ehh65,,,,but after you press to close it it becomes the open sound when hit
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Re: Successful Hihat/controller settings

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:09 am

For a particular HiHat controller, post screenshots of particular HiHat pedla settings and describe a particular issue you have with this controller and these settings.
Also note, that Yamaha HiHat controllers use reverse polarity so you have to use a crossover cable with them (HiHat controller/tip -> MegaDrum HiHat pedal input/ring, HiHat controller/ring -> MegaDrum HiHat pedal input/tip).
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Re: Successful Hihat/controller settings

Postby ibanman555 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:13 pm

Using megadrum manager for Hi-Hat pedal settings is crucial. There's a log window that shows a bar meter for open and closed when using the pedal. Once you get this set up properly the last step is assigning what notes are played depending on pedal position, or using the pedal as a Continuous Controller, as in the case with Superior Drummer 2. These are 2 different animals and require specific setups. I can try and help once you get your desired pedal set up and working properly.
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