Trigger on head input producing rim midi

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Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby Rovalo » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:20 pm

I used the Christmas holiday to build my purchased MegaDrum in a casing :) and now I'm in the process of testing and setting the pads/triggers with MDM. I use the Midi window in MDM to see what midi note/velocity is produced when hitting a pad. The HH is working more or less but needs finetuning, pedal input level range from 7 to 604. The Roland PDX-8 is also working more or less ok, producing corresponding blue head (conn. 1, input 33) and green rim (conn. 1, input 34) midi notes.

The dual zone (2 piezo's) tom pads are only connected through pad connector 1 pins 21, 23, 25 and 27 (head piezo to head inputs). However, when I hit the head, instead of blue midi head notes I get green midi rim notes or sometimes even orange 3rd zone notes. I noticed that it also depends on (combination of) the settings of the head trigger input and adjacent (not connected) rim trigger input (single piezo or dual zone with rim input as piezo etc..), but I do not understand the relations.

How can it happen that with no rim trigger input present, still a green rim midi note is produced? And what should I adjust?

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby dmitri » Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:45 am

Something simple like you swapped accidentally head and rim inputs?
If you get 3rd zone notes on a piezo/piezo pad then you need to adjust DualMidPoint and DualMidPointWidth. Of course HighLevel must be set correctly on both zones as well.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby Rovalo » Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:33 pm

I already checked the hardware connection but since obviously it is not possible to get a rim note on a head input, I will double check the hardware connection.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby airflamesred » Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:50 pm


This may, or may not, be helpful but is worth bearing in mind when it comes to the colours.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby Rovalo » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:03 am

@airflamesred, thank you for this hint! This is probably exactly what I experience, I will check it out.

The above hint supports my findings so far:
- I triple checked the hardware connections, it is correct;
- I forgot to mention that once I hit the head, on the MD colour display the corresponding input number is shown in blue, that is correct;
- the colour of the midi bar depends on the set note for the head input: e.g. with note 46 the midi bar is blue, with note 47 it is green and with note 48 it is orange.

I have to check if the head midi notes that occor not as blue bars are also set for a rim or 3rd zone on other inputs, I expect that to be the correct explanation.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:08 am

@Rovalo, Are you triggering that D4 for sounds?

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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby Rovalo » Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:50 pm

For the moment I use the TD3 and D4 as sound modules connected to MD through midi, but that is an intermediate step.

My original e-setup consists of the triggers connected directly to the TD3 and D4. Since I wanted to build a midi mallet controller requiring many key trigger inputs, I found MD to be the best trigger to midi solution, so I ordered the full kit. With that I already had in mind to gradually make the switch from the original e-setup to connecting all triggers through MD to the PC and using better sounding .VST samples. I guess that would be your kind suggestion ;) .
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:24 pm

And what are your plans with the mallet Rob?

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: Trigger on head input producing rim midi

Postby Rovalo » Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:57 pm

Initially I will use a Yamaha MU5 for that, but I imagine also better sounding .VST samples exist.

I'm also exploring affordable sample players or a midi wav player like the Robertsonics/SparkFun WAV Trigger. Any other suggestions are welcome.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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