My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

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My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:49 am


Finally I've assembled my Megadrum module and wired all inputs.
I plugged it to my PC (Windows 7 x64) via USB - and it seemed ok, but when I opened Megadrum Manager and selected in Options/Midi Ports -> Megadrum Midi USB in/out - the red lights told me - Midi Error (IntMidiErr or something)... I thought - meh, some bug and restarted the module and the manager - but after that windows tells me my megadrum is a "Unknown UBS devise" and in the windows device manager device status reads "This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources. (Code 29)". Sure enough, Megadrum Midi USB in/out ports disappeared from the list of Midi ports in megadrum manager ("Re-scan Midi port didnt help either").
Then I just uninstalled the unknown device from device manager and restarted the module - and zip - windows gave me a message - "Device driver software was not successfully installed. Unknown device - Failed"

So it seems I have no connection with PC whatsoever.

The module itself works fine - display, controls - everything looks good. Didn't plug some pads though.

Any clues, guys? :?: :?
Phil Smith
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:39 pm

Did you try it with another PC?
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:43 am

dmitri wrote:Did you try it with another PC?

Well, I'll try with my laptop and another tower today and let you know the result (Both got Windows 7 installed)
Phil Smith
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:59 am

Same thing with my laptop (Windows 7 x86) - USB Device not recognized.

What I did:
1) Installed The Megadrum manager, but didnt launch it;
2) Connect the module to the laptop via USB;
3) Turn Megadrum on.

And that's is a result (see attachments)

These are snapshots from my main tower PC, a situation with the laptop is pretty much the same, except the error code in the device manager - "Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (Code 43)"
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Phil Smith
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby anwe79 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:20 pm

It's curious that it seemed to work at first, but after that there seems to be no real connection seen from the PC side at all.

Perhaps start with the absolute basics, double checking the internal electrical connection to the USB contact on the MD.
You obviously have power, so just maybe one of the data pins in the header connector has been pushed back into the housing, making intermittent contact. I've had it happen myself on other projects, the locking tabs in this style of connector can be finnicky, and a misaligned connector can be hard to spot if the connector housing is long.

Check that all pins have seated and locked properly, so they can't move when pushing the connector onto the pin header.
If you have a multimeter, check the connection between the board and the pins on the USB connector (without a cable connected).
Also check polarity while you're at it (probably not it, but doesn't hurt to check).

If that doesn't help, I'd try with a different USB cable if you have one available. Could be an internal kink making a short or break, that might not be obvious.

If all that checks out, I would think either the board itself is faulty (unlikely), the firmware has somehow got corrupted, or there is some driver problem common to all your computers (also not very likely).

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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby dmitri » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:46 pm

If you force MegaDrum into bootloader mode on power up, does Windows detect MegaDrum USB device?
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:22 pm

To anwe79:
Yep, I should check internal connection one more time..

To dmitri
Power + left button? Yep, but also as a unknown one - basically, the same story.

Is it possible to re-write new firmware directly to the micro? Via J-tag, for example? I guess it's a P6 CONN_5 referring to the official circuit diagram?
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Phil Smith
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby dmitri » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:01 pm

If USB device is not detected even in the bootloader mode then it is either hardware or OS issue.
If it is a hardware issue then something happened to the board while you were assembling the module.
STM32 is read protected so if you mess with it over JTAG the most you will achieve is that you erase it, including the oritected bootloder. The bootloader can be programmed only by me.
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:15 pm

dmitri wrote:If USB device is not detected even in the bootloader mode then it is either hardware or OS issue.
If it is a hardware issue then something happened to the board while you were assembling the module.
STM32 is read protected so if you mess with it over JTAG the most you will achieve is that you erase it, including the oritected bootloder. The bootloader can be programmed only by me.

Yeah, I won't mess around with a jtag.. :) I hope it's some kind a hardware issue, not a firmware. Do you got some test points I can check with scope? By now I can do some basic checks such as visual analysis of wires and connectors, voltage checks - you know, thou shalt check voltages :) Then check clock frequency.
Do you got some test precipice? For example, feed 1 kHz 1 V p/p signal into one of inputs and see what you get on a digital i/o pins, etc

PS. Internal display and controls work fine, so it can be somewhere between micro and usb. Also I should try midi i/o
Last edited by Phil Smith on Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Phil Smith
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Re: My PC doesn't regornize the Megadrum module

Postby Phil Smith » Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:43 pm

Hey! I've connected my megadrum via midi and got the response! :)
My audio/midi interface is Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, so chain is basically Midi in to midi out and vise versa + usb cable from the pc to the module for power supply.

Can I somehow update the firmware now?

Here what I've got so far:
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