setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

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setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Sun Jun 11, 2017 3:39 pm

I'm trying to setup my Roland CY12C/R 3 way pads per your instructions.

However when I go into the config for EdgeSW. I set it to "Yes", I press, it says "Working". I then tap on my edges, it stays on "working" and that's it.

If I power cycle the unit, it's back to "No". Should it say "Yes"?

How can I make this part of the default setup?

Do I need to do this to get the Roland 3 way setup working?


PS I also cannot find EdgeSW in the Megadrum UI. Am I missing it? Perhaps next revision?
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
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Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:33 pm

1. Did you set those edge inputs as switches?
2. As per, after hitting/pressing the edge/bell switches do you press any button to finish the procedure?
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:42 pm

Attached is my setup.

I click to "Yes", press right button, it goes to "Working" and that's it.

When I hit the cymbal edge, bow, then bell, I see midi signals, but it just stays on "Working".

I do get the edge note in midi log: D#5

Otherwise, all I get is the A#4 which is the "3rd Zone".

I do not get F#3 or G3.

I added some of my overall config: AltSamplingAlgo (seems to give a lot of fidelity).

I uploaded the screen shots of my setup, I'm using the manager software, OSX.

Here is URL to screen shots:

(Could not figure out upload of attachments.)
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
HH Pedal: 1 * FD8
Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:54 pm

I added a document that allows easier communication and annotation. Once we get through, this will be a good source doc for others who need to do the same setup.

I will make it open for comment and edit: ... sp=sharing

If people like the format, it could be a good template for a series of HOWTO docs that we can cleanup together and share to the forum in some format.

MDM is amazing when working, but combing through the info has been challenging is too hit and miss. If we fix that up, we will all have an amazing piece to work with and can expand the community.
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
HH Pedal: 1 * FD8
Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby airflamesred » Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:23 pm

Shouldn't your 3rd zone have a note other than zero?

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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:55 pm

I've tried non zero, same thing. 0, it turns out, is an actual midi note and in the midi log it comes out as C-1. I do have octave down 2 and I'm not sure if that influenced that C-1 designation.
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
HH Pedal: 1 * FD8
Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby airflamesred » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:20 pm

C-1 is zero which in MD terms is Off. What do you want the 3rd zone to do?

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:19 pm

I am trying to setup 3 zones.

The instructions say, use 2 stereo cables and the CY12C/R does have two output cables.

I use the first stereo cable as Bow/Bell then use the second one as Bow/Edge.

I use both inputs on Bow/Bell, and just use the second input to get Edge as the second Bow (in Bow/Edge) is redundant.

At least this is what is described, but admittedly does not match up 100% with what the MDManager software UI supplies.

Overall, I do not understand how to use/apply the "3rd zone" box in the manager as it does not allow you to specify a different input which is necessary on the CY12R/C.

Any feedback is helpful, thanks for responding.
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
HH Pedal: 1 * FD8
Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby dmitri » Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:44 pm

Roland cymbals use separate inputs for edge and bell zones. As per ... 613#p17613
the edge and bell inputs are Rim(Edge) inputs of both used Aux1 and Aux2 stereo jacks. 3rd zone (bell) in this case is either Rim of Aux1 or Rim Aux2 depending in which order you connected both cables.

3rd zone settings shown in MDM are only for Yamaha type 3 zone cymbals so Threshold on 3rd zone settings in both Aux1 and in Aux2 must be set to 0.
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Re: setting up Roland 3 way cymbals

Postby magwa101 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:41 pm

Are you saying I must specifically use Aux 1 (18/19) and Aux2 (20/21) ? I have done this.

Do I have to do SetEdgeSW? I did it, but again, I select "Yes" it goes to "Working", I hit Bell, Edge, Bow, it stays on "Working". If I go to other options, then come back it says SetEdgeSW "No". Right now, it's sitting on "Working".

All thresholds are 15.

Aux1 is 3way Roland and Switch
Aux 2 is 3way Roland and Switch.

3rd zone is Threshold 0 on Aux 1 and Aux 2.

When I hit Bell/Bow or Edge I get D3 which is Aux1 "Rim/Edge".

I updated with screen shots of Aux1 and Aux2.
TD8 brain.
Toms: 3 * PD80
Snare: 1 * PD80R
HH: 1 * CY5
Kick: 1 * KT10
HH Pedal: 1 * FD8
Ride/Crash: 2 * CY12R/C
Posts: 7
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