Ride triggers on snare pad

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Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:14 pm

I'm going to keep this short since I'm extremely busy.

I received a converted set of cymbals from Extreme drums. Config is switch edge, piezo bow and piezo bell.

Scenario: Toms, snare, kick, crash and hats are plugged in and although not configured they are triggering the correct sounds. Plugging in the ride and striking it produces no sound. However, hitting the snare triggers the ride sound even though it shouldn't. Nothing I do will get the ride to strike. Why?
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby airflamesred » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:03 pm

Check the midi log and see what note(s) it is sending.

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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:30 pm

I have set the note to what it should be, edge 51, third zone 53. If I plug it into what mega drumm manager says is tom 4, the cymbal triggers, albeit only partially. All 3 zones are configured but only get samples out of one of the zones. I'm using a Y splitter and 2 cables as the ride has 2 inputs.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:37 pm

Even still why would the ride input be causing the snare to trigger note 51 when the snare input already has notes set to it? Makes no sense to me. When the ride is plugged into what mdmfx calls the ride input jack, absolutely nothing happens. I know this jack is fine since I've already used it with previous pads. Unplug the ride, and the snare triggers 38 as it should.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby dmitri » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:16 pm

Post screenshots of settings of all inputs where you plugged the cymbal and the screenshot of MIDI Log when you hit it.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:43 pm

Ride is plugged into the ride jack, jack 5 from top left.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby dmitri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:10 pm

screenshots of settings are missing.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:56 pm

I'm not sure you understand, please read this entire thing for clarification on screen shot.

All pads are plugged in. Toms/kick/snare are configured to the best of my abilities but by no means perfect. The crash is plugged in and triggering the correct sound, and the same goes for the hats.

All pads are plugged into their respective plugs according to your documents.

Now, I insert the ride cymbal into jack 5, between the snare and the crash using a Y splitter as the ride has 2 jacks.

Doing this the ride does not triggers. As in, I hit the ride cymbal and no sounds, no notes, no nothing is sent to mega drum.

I noticed by chance to bump my snare and noticed that the ride sample through my vst is now being triggered by my snare drum 90% of the time. If I hit the snare hard I get the snare sample.

The midi log isn't going to show you anything as nothing is happening.

I am now showing you a screen shot of mdm (which despiritly needs a redesign to a tabular interface) to show you the ride cymbal trigger configuration.

Do not mistake this for the actual cymbal itself being triggered as the only way this screen appears (because I have the auto select setting enabled for this when I strike each pad) is when I strike the snare drum.

Unplugging the physical connection from the back of the module allows the snare to trigger note 38 once again.

Why would one physical input cause another input to trigger the note assigned to a totally different input. It is as if this module is completely unpredictable.

The cymbal works fine, the cables are fine, the correct notes are assigned in mdm everything else is fine. It is either some weird software issue with the module or the jack is broken. I showed you a screen shot of the midi log yesterday as you asked me to, but you didn't seem to understand that of course there isn't anything. Why would I strike my snare drum just to get the ride to trigger as this is not an accurate representation of my problem.

Please advise.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:03 pm

I guess it didn't want to upload the screenshot. Let's try this again.
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Re: Ride triggers on snare pad

Postby hurstaudio1 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:11 pm

Well I guess your forum doesn't allow me to post screenshots now. I'll try and upload it to my server when I have a chance today. says file is too big for some reason.
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