roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby lasot » Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:21 am

threshold 38 - mixed stripes (blue and green) no matter I hit a rim or head...
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby dmitri » Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:33 pm

Do I understand it right that even when you set Threshold to 127 you still get Aftertouch On/Off when you press/release the switch? That is strange.
Can you try to set the 3rd zone Threshold equal to the Rim Threshold? Still Aftertouch On/Off with Threshold 127?
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby lasot » Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:36 pm

it looks like.
those are my hits on rim and head.
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:30 pm

lasot wrote:it looks like.
those are my hits on rim and head.

Ok, it seems there is some misunderstanding.
Aftertouch On messages must trigger only when you press and keep holding the rim switch.
Aftertouch Off messages must trigger only when you release the rim switch.
Aftertouch On/Off messages must not trigger when you hit the pad, regardless of head or rim hit.

Start reducing Threshold on the Rim and Threshold on the 3rd zone by one. After each step, press and hold and then release the switch. If no Aftertouch messages appear, keep reducing both Rim and 3rd zone Thresholds. At some level you will start seeing Aftertouch On/Off messages when you press/release the switch.
At what Threshold does it happen?
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby lasot » Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:50 pm

few facts

'press and keep holding the rim switch" - you mean press the stick to the rim and hold it?
'release the rim switch' - you mean take out the stick from the rim after pressing? (not keep the stick pressed to the rim)

aftertouch on = choke on = dark grey stripe
aftertouch off = choke off = light grey stripe (in my opinion is no light grey stripe. it is just empty stripe. white.)

so MAX THRESHOLD I get pressing the rim is 37. when I try to set it even 1, 2 higher - it start to appearing itself, one ofter one
MIN THRESHOLD I can get aftertouch on/off message is 3
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:23 pm

lasot wrote:few facts

'press and keep holding the rim switch" - you mean press the stick to the rim and hold it?
'release the rim switch' - you mean take out the stick from the rim after pressing? (not keep the stick pressed to the rim)

Either a stick, or just with your fingers.

aftertouch on = choke on = dark grey stripe
aftertouch off = choke off = light grey stripe (in my opinion is no light grey stripe. it is just empty stripe. white.)

Correct. You can also see MIDI messages in "Raw MIDI" Tab of "MIDI Log"

so MAX THRESHOLD I get pressing the rim is 37. when I try to set it even 1, 2 higher - it start to appearing itself, one ofter one
MIN THRESHOLD I can get aftertouch on/off message is 3

Ok, set the Threshold on the Rim to ~30 and on the 3rd zone to 0.
1. Do you get head notes when you hit the head?
2. Do you get rim notes when you hit the rim?
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby lasot » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:22 am

1. Yes. I have head notes when I hit a head only.
1. NO. only strong hits on rim gives me rim notes. When I hit the rim a little bit lighter- I get a head notes. see photo- there are only rim hits.
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:34 pm

Can you please make a video showing?:
1. When connected to Octopad - light hits on head give head notes, light hits on rim give RIM notes.
2. When connected to MegaDrum - ight hits on head give head notes, light hits on rim still give HEAD notes.
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby lasot » Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:10 pm

ok Dimitri. I've made a test. I didn't make a video. but You are right. When I connect pd8 to octapad, the really light hits on rim are also recognized as a head hits.
I have compare both (octapad and mdm). now, after all those tests they seems to be similar.
BUT the different is when I'm using midi through octapad (pd8 pad) there is more reproducibility. I mean actually all hits on head sounds as head hits and all hits on rim sounds as rim hits.
using mdm is a lotery sometimes. (pd8). you play the rim and suddenly you hear (and see) the head. so?

1. What pad settings are resposibile for that in mdm? (I mean quite common lotery between rim and head sound)
2. is there any setup of mdm to totally separate head and rim for roland pd8?
3. (if question 2 is NO) what kind of pads are built and able to separate in sound totally head and rim (maybe they are not exist)?
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Re: roland pd8 best settings, configuration problem

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:44 am

1. Threshold on the Edge/Rim is responsible for zone separation on dual piezo/switch pads/cymbals.
2. The separation in piezo/switch dual zone pads cymbals is total but being a switch type the rim zone needs to be hit with some force - light hits don't cause the rim switch to make so they will be registered as head hits.
3. Theoretically - a piezo/piezo dual zone pad where head and rim piezos are mechanically isolated.
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