Configuration for Yamaha pads and cymbals

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Configuration for Yamaha pads and cymbals

Postby johey » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:22 am

I got my Megadrum built by dmitri yesterday. Spent quite some hours trying to set it all up properly. I am afraid I will need help with all my pads, but let's start with the PCY155 ride cymbal. So far, I have successfully set it to register Head/Bow and 3rd Zone. Rim/Edge or Choke is not registered. What parameters should I tweak in order to get those working?

I have tried the PCY150 preset I found at Power Hell, but no success (though it is not the exact same model).

Using the MegaDrumManager FX as I find it pretty inconvenient browsing the menus on the front panel. MIDI setup is functional, and saving settings to the module does work fine.

Forgot to mention I’m using a straight TRS to TRS cable. It should not be inverted, right?
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Re: Configuration for Yamaha pads and cymbals

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:49 pm

Post a screenshot of your settings.

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Re: Configuration for Yamaha pads and cymbals

Postby johey » Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:15 pm

I have played around with pretty much all values, and I have made some progress. Still I don't understand the idea of the parameters, and I cannot really get a feeling of like... Ok, the bell (3rd zone) is responding much weaker than the head, so I need to change this parameter... Or, so the edge is not responding at all with threshold set to 5, but if I increase it to 15 it is responding. I'd really like to be able to explain such behavior, because otherwise setting this thing up feels very random. And why are all curves the same?

I usually don't read manuals, because many times it is easier to figure things out by playing around, but in the case of the MegaDrum, a manual would come in pretty handy. :)

Anyway, I guess I'll play around some more. I'll post a screenshot if I end up banging my head into a wall.
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Re: Configuration for Yamaha pads and cymbals

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:43 pm

Set the notes for the various zones, set the thresholds and high levels and you're half way there.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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