Alesis Surge (Smarttrigger) Cymbal Choke

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Alesis Surge (Smarttrigger) Cymbal Choke

Postby Erik » Fri May 17, 2019 9:35 am


I have some trouble setting up an Alesis Surge cymbal. It's a one zone + choke cymbal. The piezo is on tip, the switch on ring and sleeve is ground. I tried the different modes but all i got was some random choke off / on messages (like seen on the screenshot). Also at some point Superior Drummer starts to play the mute hit sound all the time and nothing gets back the normal hit. Only restart of Reaper helps. Perhaps someone has some hints for me, getting this done. I've found some threads and the documentation, but idon't get it working.

By the way, i've measured the switch resistance, it's something 7-13 Ohms when pressed and a few MOhms when open, so this should not be the problem i think.

would be very thankful for any help!

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Re: Alesis Surge (Smarttrigger) Cymbal Choke

Postby ignotus » Fri May 17, 2019 10:03 am

Did you find the right threshold value for the edge switch? It looks like you left it at default. Starting at threshold = 1 and gain = 4 (edge), squeeze the edge switch of your cymbal each time you raise threshold by 1 until you see aftertouch messages. If they start appearing at threshold = 20 (for instance) and stop at threshold = 25, leave it at 22 or 23. It should now work.
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Re: Alesis Surge (Smarttrigger) Cymbal Choke

Postby Erik » Fri May 17, 2019 3:18 pm

Ah, perfect, that was my problem, tried to setup by high Level and tried much too high thresholds (1-5 works perfectly, tried 20 - 200).
Thank you for the fast response!
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