Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request?)

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Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request?)

Postby thebaronofsd » Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:12 pm

Maybe this is possible now, I'm still working through the documentation but nothing is popping out screaming that this feature is supported.

What I want to do is make a piezo,piezo,piezo,switch snare.

I want the first two piezo's to be head velocity and rim.
I want the third piezo to be nothing but positional reference.
I want the switch for a capacitive sensor switch that when closed, causes the rim to send cross stick.

I doubt any other module would/could ever support this but I figure with megadrum there is a possibility. you already allow combined inputs for roland dual input 3way cymbal pads, this is essentially the same thing but for the snare. Further difficulty is using two different piezos for the head.

My ideal snare then would be ATV style triggers around the edges. Bar across the middle with both the center positional piezo and the rim piezo with some sort of elevated platform for the capacitive touch sensor. If you already have this feature or could add this feature I'd place an order today for a 56 input.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby airflamesred » Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:58 pm

I'm lost as to what you are looking to achieve.

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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby thebaronofsd » Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:12 pm

airflamesred wrote:I'm lost as to what you are looking to achieve.

You need a center mounted piezo for positional detect.

Problem is, center piezo's will ALWAYS hot spot on a direct hit. You can use compression and various tricks to reduce this but by its nature, a direct hit will always 'spike'. Solution for even triggering is ATV's edge mounted piezos.

Problem with edge mounted piezos like this is you can't track position.

So, if you can have a dual stereo input snare you can ...

Edge piezos = note 38 velocity info always comes from here.
Center piezo = CC16 info only/always comes from here. note, ZERO velocity info should ever be read from here, ONLY CC16.
Rim piezo = note 40 for rimshot
Switch then = connected to capacitive switch mounted just below the head. this switch detects your hand and when it detects your hand, this tells your rim piezo to send note 27 for rim click.

This then allows for a DIY snare that does everything the roland digital snare does except for brushes. NOt only that, your velocity triggering and dynamics should be exceptional due to the ATV style trigger setup for the head.

Is that clearer now?

*edit* all notes above based on a roland midi map. replace those notes to whatever you use in your setup.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby ignotus » Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:00 pm

I toyed with a similar idea some time ago, minus the piezo exclusively for PS. But then I hardly ever use rimclicks or PS so just kind of forgot about it. Out of curiosity, what kind of capacitive switch would you use? This adds to the complexity and number of wires you have coming out of your snare, especially if the capacitive switch requires an active circuit. Roland does a lot of the processing in the pad itself and then sends all the data over USB. What you propose would need something like 6 connections (4 signals, VCC and GND) to the module. Possibly doable, but I can't see Dmitri adding support for it unless more people ask for it. IMHO it's too much hassle.

If you really need more articulations you can, for example, make yourself a footswitch hooked up to an input and use it to quickly load another kit with different notes to trigger a different set of sounds for your snare (or whatever), and then change back again.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby airflamesred » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:30 pm

I actually thought that Rolands digital brush snare was the most interesting thing they had come up with in donkey's years, meanwhile, the quest to replicate the acoustic snare continues unabated.
I understand now.

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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby thebaronofsd » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:32 pm

Perhaps a simpler ask then to see if I understand some of what I've read.

2 inputs:
-ATV style triggers for velocity note 38
-rim piezo note 40
Input 2:
- center piezo for note 16 CC for snare

3rd input added to the snare crosstalk group
BT-1 for clicks on note 27

If the example of combining two inputs could be done for snare then a simple addition of a BT-1 on the cross stick side of the snare and a cross talk group handles the rest yes?
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby ignotus » Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:14 pm

Here's some more food for thought. It would probably work with 3 side-mounted cones too. You could then just add a BT-1 and get all the articulations you're looking for except activating rim clicks with a capacitive switch.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby thebaronofsd » Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:46 pm

Something else I was thinking of, but first a question. Again not a MD owner yet so forgive the dumb question.

Does MD also send CC info for rim shots like Roland does? If yes, and in both cases (roland and megadrum), where does that CC info come from?

Doesn't seem like the rim piezo, hidden down deep in the drum, is what is used to determine the wave form. Isn't this info coming from the center head piezo even for rim shot?

If the answer is yes, center piezo is used to determine wave form even for rim shots, then what I'm asking for is essentially the same thing. Reference a different piezo for CC but use rim mounted head piezo for velocity.

Doesn't seem terribly complicated *shrug*

I'm probably wrong though.
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby jungleb » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:36 pm

Hi everyone, it looks this the closest post to what I would like to query:

I am constructing a 3 piezo head snare (ATV style) plus rim piezo. I am a big fan of positional sensing on the snare. Is it able to add a center piezo to get positional sensing? Is there any way to config this snare setup in megadrum?

thank you so much!
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Re: Combine two ouputs to make super snare? (feature request

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:42 pm

I'm not sure what you mean by "Is it able to add a center piezo to get positional sensing? Is there any way to config this snare setup in megadrum?
MegaDrum supports positional sensing (requires precision rectifiers on inputs with positional sensing enabled) on mesh type pads with a centrally located piezo and it does not rely on other piezos on the pad. You can of course configure it - see ... s-settings
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