Been struggling a lot with my megadrum, actually never made it work.
First of all I had Dmitri build me a 56 input version. Im running a Mac pro 1.1 flashed to a 1.2 running osx 10.9.5. I`m running 2 x 3Ghz Quad core processors, 32GB ram and a 500GB SSD hard drive.
My kit is a converted acoustic kit with eBridge triggers from UFODrums build into them. All toms and snare are dual piezo setup and they`re all set up with 27mm piezos for the head trigger and 35mm for the rim. All drums are set up with Jobeky tri-ply mesh heads. For cymbals I`ve got Yamaha PCY-135 for crashes and Yamaha PCY-155 for ride, for HiHat I`ve got the Roland VH-11. Firmware in the Megadrum is 20170413 and the Megadrum manager is the 20170416.
I plug the megadrum into a usb port on my mac, power up my mac and then the megadrum. I start up Megadrum manager.
I plug the cable that came with my PCY-155 into the yamaha cymbal on one end and into (from the left, top row fourth input) the Megadrum. The VU`s on the Megadrum tells me that signal in flowing from the cymbal and into the Megadrum. I set the input in Megadrum manager to usb midi port 1. I push the Open MIDI button and midi starts flowing into the Megadrum manager.
I then go to the pads setting and set the input for 6 Ride B/7Ride E (I assume that works so that the inputs I can choose from lines up with the inputs on the back of the Megadrum - 1 Kick = first input from top left on the back of the Megadrum, 2 HiHat B/HiHat E = second input from top left and so forth!?) At this point, when I remove the cable from the input in the Megadrum the flow of midi into Megadrum manager stops.
I then start copying all the settings to the rest of the tracks - Note disbld, threshold 0 though and type - Dual or 3way Yamaha.
I then do a "send all”
The visual midi changes colour from yellow to green.
I the set Note on the Head/Bow to 8 = G#-1, Note on Rim/Edge to 10 = A#-1 and Note on 3rd Zone to12 = C0 (The flow of midi changes colour to green and blue. I then start adjusting threshold on Head Bow until the blue notes on the midi log disappear.
I then try and do the same for Rim/edge, but even though I end up with threshold 127 the green notes still keep flowing in the midi log.
I therefor set Rim/Edge threshold back to 0 and try and adjust the 3rd Zone threshold - the threshold can`t directly be adjusted, but I can see that the values change when I adjust the Midpoint slider - nothing changes regarding the flow of the green midi notes in Midi Log though.
Oki, now I had a couple days off from the Megadrum, and now the threshold situation is working! Sort of??
Threshold Head/Bow set for 28 and Threshold on the Rim/Edge is set for 20.
Now there`s 3 problems!
There`s still flowing midi into Megadrum, and looking at Raw Midi it`s C -1 which I haven`t set anything up for.
The megadrum don`t register any hits on the cymbal no matter what the threshold value is.
And even though I disconnect the cable for the cymbal, midi just keeps flowing…. This isn’t the case when I start up the Megadrum, but as soon as I do a “send all” from Megadrum manager the megadrum keeps sending wether or not there`s something connected to the device…..??
Sincerely hope that there`s someone out there who can help me out!!!
Best regards