What do you mean by "resets everything"? Closing MDMFX and starting it again should not cause any resets.
Sorry i meant everything is responsive after closing and reopening. i just lose anything that hasn't been saved.
MDM is on. i don't use the MDM to change parameters, I've only changed Autoload to YES. MDM menu doesn't exit after 10 seconds of inactivity. I don't use a hi hat pedal , so cannot force menu to exit. Only turn MDM off and on.
I open MDMFX. Open Midi to MDM. Start playing (or adjusting parameters, doesn't matter, still ends up the same). After playing for awhile (5mins), i go to check MDMFX. All pull down menus are non responsive. I can send (all) and get(all) but can't load(all) /save (all). Numerical boxes and Tick boxes can still be changed and sent. Midi log is working. Pad extras can be changed and sent but not loaded or saved. Can't change configs from drop down menu only with prevcfg or nextcfg buttons. I can open and close Midi to MDM. All Main ,View ,Window etc can't be accessed.
I've added a screenshot if that helps. i'm spending hours trying to work this. Stangely enjoyable hoping the next change might be the fix.
Thanks Dmitri, i'm sure you've got more interesting things to think about than this.