3-way triggering rides

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby gastric » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:10 pm

Or both. ;)

I have read the threads. From what I've read MegaDrum currently supports three MIDI NOTE events from three features on the cymbal. Bell piezo, bow piezo, and edge switch. Each piezo and the switch can generate a single MIDI note, thus three separate events, with the switch able to generate a single event, either an edge hit or a crash. But not both.

However, with a Roland module it can actually generate four events. Depending on the switch being continuous or momentary it either chokes or generates an edge hit, with the edge hit velocity pulled from the bow piezo.

I'm just looking for clarification on how MegaDrum currently functions. Does the switch only generate a single possible event? Or does it provide both choke and edge hit events like a Roland module?
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:39 pm

Just as with a dual piezo/switch pad/cymbal, a hit on a edge will produce a note and grabbing the edge will produce a choke. Still don't understand why you would want to produce a note and a choke simultaneously.
Btw, aren't Roland 3way cymbals piezo/switch/switch rather than piezo/piezo/switch as you mentioned?
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby gastric » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:03 pm

I have no personal experience with any Roland product, nor technical knowledge of how Roland cymbals are constructed. However, there's wiring diagrams provided in the VDRUMS forum. It looks to me like three piezos with a Raper circuit to use the edge piezo as a switch. Unsure what the "secondary choke thingy" reference is to since the edge switch (piezo through Raper in this diagram) should provide both functions via the Roland TD module.


Just to clarify. I'm not looking to generate multiple events simultaneously. I'm just trying to confirm MegaDrum can provide bell/bow/edge hit/choke events with a bell/bow piezo and edge switch. Which it sounds like you are saying it should be able to do. :)

Now we just have to get ERules to test it for us to end the mystery. OH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! :P
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:35 pm

Judging from the picture in this thread http://www.vdrums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37891 , Roland 3way cymbals are piezo/switch/switch for bow/bell/edge.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby gastric » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:27 pm

Like I said, I've never owned Roland products. But I've seen more than one wiring diagram for cymbals compatible with Roland modules. So its likely Roland modules support more than one build design, or maybe the design is specific to the module. I really don't know.

What I'm interested in is MegaDrum as it pertains to 4-event cymbals which is why I'm here. :)
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:41 pm

gastric wrote:Like I said, I've never owned Roland products. But I've seen more than one wiring diagram for cymbals compatible with Roland modules. So its likely Roland modules support more than one build design, or maybe the design is specific to the module. I really don't know.

What I'm interested in is MegaDrum as it pertains to 4-event cymbals which is why I'm here. :)

3way triggers support in MegaDrum is meant to "pertain to 4-event cymbals" of Roland. Not tested by me just because I've never owned Roland products either.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby dmitri » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:57 pm

Alright, to make sure it works as I meant it to, I made a mini version of a Roland type 3 zone cymbal:


Blue buttons are for Edge and Bell. Tested it with MIDI-OX and as far as I can see it works as expected.
1. Hitting Bow(piezo) produces a bow note.
2. Hitting buttons produces either bell or edge notes (velocity sensitive if you ask).
3. Pressing the Edge button chokes all three (bow/bell/edge) zones.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby gastric » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:14 am

Excellent. :)

And if we use a bell piezo instead of a switch that'll work fine as well? Which will be how any DIY will build the cymbal.
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Re: 3-way triggering rides

Postby jamalpiper » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:18 am

gastric wrote:Unsure what the "secondary choke thingy" reference is to since the edge switch (piezo through Raper in this diagram) should provide both functions via the Roland TD module.

I believe the 'secondary choke thingy' is there just as a 'fail safe' of sorts?

And I want to thank you all for having this topic and having answers in here, major selling point for me to have 3 way cymbals...
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