modular trigger outputs levels

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modular trigger outputs levels

Postby ringer » Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:58 pm

Hi Everyone,

Great circuit, Kudos!! I need a trigger to midi interface, it needs 8 channels.
I am building a MBHP FM project. I want to able to trigger the 5 individual drum
voices via electronic gates and triggers from an analogue sequencer. The gate and
trigger voltages from the sequencer are +10V.

Is it possible to build the unit without the lcd? How will I set the midi channel for each voice
without the display? Will the Megadrum accept +10V gates and triggers? Looking at the schematic,
I plan on eliminating the serial output, the J6 connector and the lcd display, which pins should be
grounded or isolated from the pcb?

Sorry for the newb questions, I read the FAQ and could not find definite answers, thanks
in advance.

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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby Synthex » Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:33 pm


ringer wrote:Great circuit, Kudos!!

Kudos ?

ringer wrote:Is it possible to build the unit without the lcd?
How will I set the midi channel for each voice without the display?

With the new MegaDrum Controller.

ringer wrote:Will the Megadrum accept +10V gates and triggers?

No. Only 5V max.

ringer wrote:I plan on eliminating the serial output, the J6 connector and the lcd display, which pins should be
grounded or isolated from the pcb?

There is no serial output, but MIDI input/output and USB input/output.
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby ringer » Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:41 pm

Hi Synthex,

Thanks for all the info. Great interface!!

Kudos = praise or accolades.

On one schematic you have an RS232 port, hence should I ground or isolate the pins to the pcb?

I have included a drawing outlining, in black, all of the traces and IO I wish to exclude from the circuit.
Should I ground or isolate the pins? Does the +5V that goes through R15 then to pin 26 need to be there
if I eliminate the RS232 port? Or do I have to eliminate the trace to the RS232 PORT?

If I am using analogue gates and triggers, do I need the Piezo LM324 analogue circuits to massages the signal?

Again, many thanks.

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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby Synthex » Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:50 pm

Sorry but this schematic is an old eDrum ... not MegaDrum !! ;)

MegaDrum is here :

MegaDrum32 Synthex Schematics v2.7.gif
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby jjpl2001 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:07 am

Hi, i have been built an Admir edrum and he added an analog filter circuit composed by a LM324 Op-Amp, does the megadrum need some thing like that? or one can plug the piezos directly to the megadrum module brain and multiplexers? doenst the LM324 analog filter from admirs improve the behavior of the megadrum module?

you can see that circuit at


you can see what i have done at
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby dmitri » Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:13 am

jjpl2001 wrote:Hi, i have been built an Admir edrum and he added an analog filter circuit composed by a LM324 Op-Amp, does the megadrum need some thing like that?

MegaDrum doesn't need opamps.

or one can plug the piezos directly to the megadrum module brain and multiplexers? doenst the LM324 analog filter from admirs improve the behavior of the megadrum module?

No, it doesn't.

you can see that circuit at

The link to the Admir's web site is on the MegaDrum website so I know what it is.
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby sonofscream » Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:57 am

Hi "dmitri" i builded the admir 13 years ago, and i did the rsr232 connection, but the admir website is down, i dont remember the sotware necesary to connect and translate the midi signals from rs232-usb cable to the pc ? thank you

dmitri wrote:
jjpl2001 wrote:Hi, i have been built an Admir edrum and he added an analog filter circuit composed by a LM324 Op-Amp, does the megadrum need some thing like that?

MegaDrum doesn't need opamps.

or one can plug the piezos directly to the megadrum module brain and multiplexers? doenst the LM324 analog filter from admirs improve the behavior of the megadrum module?

No, it doesn't.

you can see that circuit at

The link to the Admir's web site is on the MegaDrum website so I know what it is.
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby ignotus » Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:50 am

I also built Admir's eDrum many years ago (it's been sitting on a shelf for the past 16 years...). I'm pretty sure this is the driver, but what I'm not sure about is whether serial-USB cables were supported. I *think* I recall that you had to connect directly to a serial port on your PC. That said, even a pre-encrypted firmware Megadrum far outperforms it. It was a really cool project at the time it came out about 20 years ago, but sadly its development stopped not long after and lacks many features in comparison.
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:23 pm

As per there used to be at least 3 serial-to-MIDI drivers, one of them Yamaha CBX driver which ignotus mentioned. I also don't know if they would work with USB serial.
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Re: modular trigger outputs levels

Postby ignotus » Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:09 am

If the Yamaha and other drivers won't work with a serial-USB cable, you could try it with Hairless MIDI.
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