Hey has anyone purchase parts from Mouser?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Hey has anyone purchase parts from Mouser?

Postby NovaKaine » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:57 pm

I know call me a lazy arse, but if anyone has the components part numbers from Mouser could ya'll pass the along.
I building the Synthex 2.5 version of the Megadrum.
Everytime I look at Mouser's website I go snowblind from a gazillion different part numbers.
So any if of you intrepid builders have a Mouser parts list pass it on please.
Help a brother out. :D
Oh amazingly I've discovered I live less than 20 minutes away from Mouser's main warehouse go figure. ;)
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Re: Hey has anyone purchase parts from Mouser?

Postby jman 31 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:21 pm

Take a look towards the end of this thread. Gastric has a parts list that is made up of almost all mouser parts for the v. 2.5
Make sure you are using the last list that he shows there because that is the most recent and updated.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Hey has anyone purchase parts from Mouser?

Postby jamalpiper » Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:23 pm


Edit: Rawr, Jman beat me to it...

At least one new post has been made to this topic. You may wish to review your post in light of this.
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Re: Hey has anyone purchase parts from Mouser?

Postby gastric » Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:41 am

I just uploaded the latest spreadsheet to that post. Since ordering I updated the spreadsheet to include a less expensive and better Atmega chip, and added some more product notes such as a reference to the plastic BUD 1U rack enclosure #563-PRM-14460 which includes PCB standoffs for mounting the board and is only $32 I phoned Mouser but they had no specific idea as to how to add standoffs to the aluminum Hammond case which is the only reason I didn't buy it as the BUD is out of stock and I'm not a huge fan of plastic.

Note my Mouser.com order is still sitting in the box it was shipped in. I haven't even started making the board yet but plan to at least get the laser prints done this weekend.
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