New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:34 pm

Ok, more questions... Is the 2.5 megadrum modular like the 2.7? Since I'm going to have it hooked up to a computer every time I use it, I thought why not control it from there as well. That way I can eliminate the 2x8 connectors, the LCD, and the buttons. And I am in no need of a MIDI plug as it will always be used through USB. I assume those can be left out as well?
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby Synthex » Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:19 pm

jamdat wrote:Ok, more questions... Is the 2.5 megadrum modular like the 2.7? Since I'm going to have it hooked up to a computer every time I use it, I thought why not control it from there as well. That way I can eliminate the 2x8 connectors, the LCD, and the buttons. And I am in no need of a MIDI plug as it will always be used through USB. I assume those can be left out as well?

Yes, you can do that.
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:36 pm

Would somebody be able to help me select a jack for the megadrum? I am trying to get everything from and I can't find jacks that match the ones on the list.

The closest I can come to them is with part number SC1317-ND. But when I look at them I see that they have three connectors and the ones on the list have six. I am at a loss. Can someone help? I am looking at their part list under "Connectors - Barrel - Audio". ... at=1442625. I make sure that "in stock" is checked.

Any help would be appreciated as I am probably looking at the wrong thing.
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby kimouette » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:33 am

I ordered some usefull parts for my Megadrum from a great store in Canada. Maybe you should take a look at this website : ... 10&x=4&y=7

* The price you'll find on thispage is for 10 jacks
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:36 pm

This is an excellent price but as they do not carry the other items that I need (ICs), I am forced to buy from two stores. The service charge and shipping make that expensive.

Good to keep in mind though.
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:13 am

Ok, now I'm very puzzled. :| What is the purpose of stereo jacks? I assume that one signal (from say, tom 1) is carried on the "left" channel, and the other (say, tom 2) is carried on the "right" channel. Now that seems to call for ordinary stereo jacks with three connectors (one for "left" and the other for "right" and one ground). Thus one would need to connect one connector to pin 1 on the 40 pin connector, the other to pin 2, and one to a ground. Then I could just get any old connector that is stereo, stick some wires onto it and be good to go.

Sounds simple enough, but I keep seeing discussion about 'switched' connectors, ones that are normally open or closed, and the jack PCB that Synthex has prepared has spots for jacks with SIX connectors!

I am really confused. Might somebody be able to help clear this up?
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby kimouette » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:40 am

Are you planning to build Syntex' all in one 2.7 version?

Sounds simple enough, but I keep seeing discussion about 'switched' connectors, ones that are normally open or closed, and the jack PCB that Synthex has prepared has spots for jacks with SIX connectors!

I also asked questions about the different types of jacks couple of weeks ago.
Read pages 8 and 9 from the following topic, Abodrum gave a pretty detailed explanation there :

Ok, now I'm very puzzled. :| What is the purpose of stereo jacks? I assume that one signal (from say, tom 1) is carried on the "left" channel, and the other (say, tom 2) is carried on the "right" channel.

If you're plannning to build 2 zones instruments, here are some pretty helpful information :

Syntex' components list and pinouts for the v2.7 :

32 INPUTS Connector :

1 - GND
2 - GND
3 - Power source for HiHat controller
4 - HiHat controller input
5 - Kick
6 - NC
7 - HiHat Bow
8 - HiHat Edge
9 - Snare Head
10 - Snare Rim
11 - Ride Bow
12 - Ride Edge
13 - Crash Bow
14 - Crash Edge
15 - Tom1 Head
16 - Tom1 Rim
17 - Tom2 Head
18 - Tom2 Rim
19 - Tom3 Head
20 - Tom3 Rim
21 - GND
22 - GND
23 - Tom4 Head
24 - Tom4 Rim
25 - Aux1 Head/Bow
26 - Aux1 Rim/Edge
27 - Aux2 Head/Bow
28 - Aux2 Rim/Edge
29 - Aux3 Head/Bow
30 - Aux3 Rim/Edge
31 - Aux4 Head/Bow
32 - Aux4 Rim/Edge
33 - Aux5 Head/Bow
34 - Aux5 Rim/Edge
35 - Aux6 Head/Bow
36 - Aux6 Rim/Edge
37 - Aux7 Head/Bow
38 - Aux7 Rim/Edge
39 - GND
40 - GND

In other words...

1 - GND = "Sleeve" of all jacks
2 - GND = "Sleeve" of all jacks
3 - Power source for HiHat controller = "Tip" or "Ring" of jack 1
4 - HiHat controller input = "Tip" or "Ring" of jack 1
5 - Kick = "Tip" of jack 2
6 - NC = "Ring" of jack 2 or NC
7 - HiHat Bow = "Tip" of jack 3
8 - HiHat Edge = "Ring" of jack 3
9 - Snare Head = "Tip" of jack 4
10 - Snare Rim = "Ring" of jack 4
11 - Ride Bow = "Tip" of jack 5
12 - Ride Edge = "Ring" of jack 5
13 - Crash Bow = "Tip" of jack 6
14 - Crash Edge = "Ring" of jack 6
15 - Tom1 Head = "Tip" of jack 7
16 - Tom1 Rim = "Ring" of jack 7

And take a look at Dmitri's built... You can clearly see how the jacks are wired, and the ground wire connects to all jacks : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=306
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:36 pm

kimouette wrote:Are you planning to build Syntex' all in one 2.7 version?
No. I'm going to be completing the 2.5 version. But I think the jacks problem would apply to both.
kimouette wrote:I also asked questions about the different types of jacks couple of weeks ago.
Thank you. This was very helpful information that I missed. Another question: what of mono jacks? They cannot be used?
kimouette wrote:And take a look at Dmitri's built... You can clearly see how the jacks are wired, and the ground wire connects to all jacks : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=306
This was also helpful, especially for seeing the grounds. I am keen on putting the jacks onto a pcb so that I can keep the insides nice and neat (even if I have to learn eagle and design my own!).

One other question: what is the purpose of using 6.35mm jacks instead of 3.5mm or 2.5mm? 6.35mm jacks at Digikey go for nearly 3$ each. A ridiculous amount. 3.5mm sell for 55c. Are the cables for 6.35 cheaper and easier to find?

I wish digikey sold reasonably priced jacks! Us poor Canadiens....
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby gastric » Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:00 pm

You can use whatever jacks you want as long as you wire them appropriately. There's no reason you cannot use mono jacks instead of the stereo jacks. Just note you'll need 33 mono jacks instead of 17 stereo jacks. And you'll need up to 33 individual cables instead of 17 cables, and cabling can easily outstrip the cost of the jacks. And of course you need to make sure your chassis can physically support that many jacks. Overall it sounds like a lot more work to use mono jacks/cables, and potentially more overall cost when you're all said and done. I do recall one person mention he was going to use RCA style jacks for his build as RCA jacks are extremely cheap and he had a box of RCA cables since every home stereo device comes with them. So in conclusion you can use any type of jack you want. But consider the big picture from the jacks on your triggers, the jacks on your MegaDrum, and the wiring to connect the two.

For pricing can't you just order from a US supplier? Switched stereo jacks are only $0.77 from Any shipping charges could be negated by the reduced prices of the components. Or maybe someone on eBay as there's a ton of eBay sellers who ship internationally and sell for cheap.
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Re: New to MegaDrum - beginner questions

Postby jamdat » Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:28 pm

Buying from the US complicates things as there are all sorts of duties and taxes that get added once they come over the border. Plus once you convert from US to CAN dollars... I can see jacks being 1$ or so, but 3?

Anyway, thanks for the information. I think i'll stay away from mono jacks because, although i'm sure my future enclosure will be able to handle it, I don't want to plug in 33 things. Ideally, 1 jack = 1 drum. Nice and simple.

You know, with all these trials, i'm tempted to run all the signals through phone wire and be done with it! Put telephone jacks instead of audio jacks. At least I have experience with telephones.

:? ....

Umm... that wouldn't work would it? Would be really neat if it did. It's just another type of jack isn't it?
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