Hello, Dmitri.
I have an issue with Yamaha TP65S pads. Pads are connected to snare and hiHat inputs of the megadrum. I can't get all 3 zones of TP65S pad. Is it supported ? (I think it's not, but maybe I missed something ?)
kkotyagin wrote:My pads are okay nowSlow, careful and correct setting up process is very important. It took me two hours to understand how to set up one pad and five minutes to set up the others. Although, zone detection is not 100 % reliable. Sometimes(very rarely) I get incorrect midi notes. But I think that another iteration of tuning will help. It seems that I have to play with MinScan value or with overall Latency.
Btw, as I'm a person who owns yahaha drumset I'm going to make a video tutorial of 3way pads tuning process and post it to the Youtube. I think it will be done in week or something like this.
Question to Dmitri: is BThreshold actually matters is this situation ? I couldn't find any noticeable differences.
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