Just a couple last problems.....

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Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:20 pm

Ok so I got my pedal situation worked out. Rather then muddy up the Input PCB thread more I decided I'd just make my own thread.

Pedal works great now!

The issue I'm having now is that the Crash input and the Tom 4 input seem to have an issue. When I connect the drums to them they have a sound that constantly plays like it's constantly triggering very very fast. It's not at full force either just lightly triggering. I'm going to guess that I just need to change the sensitivity settings but I find it strange that these 2 inputs do it and none of the others do.

For any others reading I'm using Synthex's v2.8 kit and the V2.8 Inputs PCB. The cymbals I'm using currently are Roland CY-8's and my tom is a single zone tom. I tried the cymbal and tom on other inputs and they work fine so it's gotta be something with the inputs. I checked over all the PCB's and don't see any shorts of any kind. This is what leads me to believe it's just a setting problem but figured I'd post just to be sure.
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:40 pm

Just raise Threshold for these inputs. It's to do with pull-up applied to these inputs when the HH pedal is being scanned. I will make changes to this in the next firmware.
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:05 pm

Ok that seems to fix things for the most part :)

One other thing is that the LCD on the front of the megadrum. I can read it from a sharp angle from above but not looking straight at it. Kind of strange...not sure if it's supposed to be like this? Maybe I have something hooked up wrong on it?
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:10 pm

daddy4life85 wrote:Ok that seems to fix things for the most part :)

One other thing is that the LCD on the front of the megadrum. I can read it from a sharp angle from above but not looking straight at it. Kind of strange...not sure if it's supposed to be like this? Maybe I have something hooked up wrong on it?

http://www.megadrum.info/content/im-100 ... see-anythi
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:41 pm

Ah now I feel stupid :)
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby AwDeOh82 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:36 pm

Just to chime in, I had the same problem with Crash and Tom 4, and also Aux 6 - you may want to check that.
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:52 pm

Yeah I got it worked out pretty good. Only problem is that every once in a while I'll get crosstalk from a couple of my toms and it triggers the crash. Going to have to play with it a bit more.
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:15 pm

Ok I have one last issue, the settings don't seem to be saving consistently. I figured out that I need to write them to Slot 1 or whatever it is and that worked great but then I had the module disconnected for a few hours and when I plugged it back in the settings were reset again. Is there a way to add a memory battery or something? Or is this a problem with my particular unit?
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby dmitri » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:19 pm

daddy4life85 wrote:Ok I have one last issue, the settings don't seem to be saving consistently. I figured out that I need to write them to Slot 1 or whatever it is and that worked great but then I had the module disconnected for a few hours and when I plugged it back in the settings were reset again. Is there a way to add a memory battery or something? Or is this a problem with my particular unit?

And 'AutoLoad Conf' is set to ...?
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Re: Just a couple last problems.....

Postby daddy4life85 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:36 am

Believe it's set to yes but I'll double check, maybe that's whats going on.
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