Pots or no Pots?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Pots or no Pots?

Postby slayer666 » Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:29 pm

Hi, I'm new to the MegaDrum, and I have some questions I want answers to. :)
I've built Admirs Edrum and I'm familiar with the whole concept.

But should I build with or without pots?
If I choose no pots, How do I set the gain on each piezo?

Are there any pros and cons I should know about before making my decision wether to include Pots in the build.

/Thanx in advance

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Location: Sweden

Re: Pots or no Pots?

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:13 pm


Getting rid of pots was one of the reason to start developing MegaDrum. As a result you don't need any pots in MegaDrum, except the one to adjust LCD contrast. To adjust input signal from different pad types producing different output levels MegaDrum32 uses 9 levels of input gain (MegaDrum8 has 3 levels of input gain). You can set individual gain levels per each input. The advantages are obvious: much lower cost of building, less wires, simpler soldering and less chance of changing input gain accidentally. There are disadvantages. First, it requires a bit more of programming but it should not bother you as I've already done this:) There might be some pads (I haven't encountered such) which are too hot and the lowest gain level is not low enough for them. Even in this case I'd recommend a preset potentiometer built-in into a pad, just as I think Roland and Yamaha do this.

Overall I think potless design is the way to go on drum triggers.
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Re: Pots or no Pots?

Postby slayer666 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:02 am

Nice, I'm gonna go ahead and make the pcb's then.
Thanx. :D
Posts: 178
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:07 pm
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