Using Roland pads with megadrum

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Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:41 pm


Finished building my Megadrum and am now trying to configure my Roland pads:
- PD-125
- PD-85
- KD-85
- CY-7
- CY-5 + FD-7

I must say that after two weeks of experimenting and tweaking I can still not get reliable triggering from the module. In the meantime I have read almost every forum post, soldered all kinds of voltage dividers, ... but to no avail.

It seems the Roland triggers are not easy to configure (very hot, reverse polarity on the head, ...) but I assume there must be a way to get this setup to work ?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:55 pm

Shall we try to sort it out one pad at a time?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:04 pm

This was quick, I am impressed :)

Ok, let's start with the snare head.

For this one I already added a 20K trim pot so I can adjust the level to get a proper high-level

B.T.W. I am at work at the moment so I can not try anything until (late) this evening.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:08 pm

wuky wrote:This was quick, I am impressed :)

Ok, let's start with the snare head.

For this one I already added a 20K trim pot so I can adjust the level to get a proper high-level

B.T.W. I am at work at the moment so I can not try anything until (late) this evening.

So shall we continue once you're back home?
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:10 pm

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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:28 pm

In the meantime, if somebody is using Roland pads/cymbals, please share your settings/configuration.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:18 pm

Seems I have to give more information :) so here we go:

My Megadrum:

- synthex kit 2.8 / using 32 inputs
- ATMega 32 @ 16 Mhz
- firmware 20090326 (updated using Midi-OX, using megadrum32_16_32_20090326.sysx)


- windows XP
- Toontrack SOLO hosting superior drummer 2
- Soundcard MAYA44 (PCI) ->no latency problems

Megadrum settings:

- All gains low: YES

Snare is connected through a trimpot so I can adjust the level.
I configured it as a single head trigger for now, using the following settings:

- Curve: Log4
- ComprLvl: 0
- LvlShift:0
- Xtalk: 0
- XtalkGrp: 0
- Treshhold: 20
- Gain: 0
- HiLvlAuto: No
- HighLevel: 870
- Retrigger: 4
- DynLevel: 1
- DynTime: 16
- Minscan: 20
- Dual Head: No

For the snare rim I set note# to 0 which should diable it ?!

This now seems to be triggering reasonable well (it detects all hits) but it is not possible to get consistent volume levels. I read in the forums that selecting the correct curve should fix this, but I tried them all and none seems to give the right feeling (I have a DDRUM 4 which I use for comparison).

I suppose the real problems will start when I enable the rim trigger so I first want to get the head configured properly before I do that.

Must get some sleep now, will do more testing tomorrow evening ...
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby gabriel1712 » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:22 pm

This is a hot (sensitive) CY-5. It's sending Aftertouch messages at Threshold 9!! and max out when tested with HighLvlAuto. Even so, at this setting things are ok with no retriggering or crosstalk and with a steady velocity climb. Note I have Max DynLvl/DynTime/Crosstalk only because it's mounted on drumrack with two other cymbals, and three toms. You may not need it.

I got a lot of crosstalk from midi note "0". 3rd zone at disable AND threshold 0 did the job.

I'm not done, but it's a playable setting. I plan to experiment with curves on the bow, so that I can use the bow as a secondary ride and play harder into the bow before crashing it.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:14 pm

wuky wrote:Seems I have to give more information :) so here we go:

My Megadrum:

- synthex kit 2.8 / using 32 inputs
- ATMega 32 @ 16 Mhz
- firmware 20090326 (updated using Midi-OX, using megadrum32_16_32_20090326.sysx)


- windows XP
- Toontrack SOLO hosting superior drummer 2
- Soundcard MAYA44 (PCI) ->no latency problems

Megadrum settings:

- All gains low: YES

Snare is connected through a trimpot so I can adjust the level.
I configured it as a single head trigger for now, using the following settings:

- Curve: Log4
- ComprLvl: 0
- LvlShift:0
- Xtalk: 0
- XtalkGrp: 0
- Treshhold: 20
- Gain: 0
- HiLvlAuto: No
- HighLevel: 870
- Retrigger: 4
- DynLevel: 1
- DynTime: 16
- Minscan: 20
- Dual Head: No

For the snare rim I set note# to 0 which should diable it ?!

It does.

This now seems to be triggering reasonable well (it detects all hits) but it is not possible to get consistent volume levels. I read in the forums that selecting the correct curve should fix this, but I tried them all and none seems to give the right feeling (I have a DDRUM 4 which I use for comparison).

Are volume levels inconsistent with low, medium, strong hits or all over the place?

Anyway, DynLevel and DynTime seem too low to me. With such values my snare (in fact any of my pads/cymbals) produces noticeable false triggering which can cause inconsistent volume levels as well.

1. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick with your settings.
2. Set Curve to Linear. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick.
3. Set Curve to Linear, DynLevel to 6 and DynTime to 64. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick.
4. Set Curve to Log2, DynLevel to 6 and DynTime to 64. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick.
5. Set Curve to Linear, DynLevel to 6, DynTime to 64 and MinScan to 50. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick.
6. Set Curve to Log2, DynLevel to 6, DynTime to 64 and MinScan to 50. Make a MIDI recording of a free bouncing stick.

Please, keep the stick bouncing as close to the same spot as possible. Post the midi files here.
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Re: Using Roland pads with megadrum

Postby wuky » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:24 pm

Are volume levels inconsistent with low, medium, strong hits or all over the place?

When playing notes regurarely get triggered with a lot less volume than expected.

MIDI files:

Original settings:

Linear curve:
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