Using 1/8 instead of 1/4?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Using 1/8 instead of 1/4?

Postby gui_999 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:26 pm

Can I use 1/8 jacks instead of 1/4? The price for a 1/4 socket around here in Canada is just ridiculously high.. and 1/8 cables can be found really cheaply (0,50$ for 6' at

I'm building my own drum, so technicaly I can put any socket I want as long as it's stereo. The only downside I see is that I wont be able to use commercial pads (roland, yamaha..) without using a "converter plug".
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Re: Using 1/8 instead of 1/4?

Postby jman 31 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:30 pm

You can use any kind of connector you want just about. The main thing is to pay attention to whether it is a mono jack or a stereo jack. Either can be used, but it will take twice as many mono jacks.
jman 31
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