Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby dmitri » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:52 am

ayd01 wrote:Hi dimitri
I m sorry but can you read my last measurement message which all my measurements are in "red font"
When I was doing the measuring I realized that I didnt connect the 2 part input pcb so I connected it and do the measurement again
I guess while I'm editing my message you read the old version.

It will be a burden but pls read my last measurements.

It doesn't change anything.
4) between the the tip of the snare cable and the ground of the board. What is it? 0.34

As I said before, your snare head input is shorted to the ground.
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby ayd01 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:49 pm

like I wrote before when I disconnect the second part of inputs pcb the i can get snare sound doest this short circuit comes from the second board? is it obvious isnt it
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby ayd01 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:07 pm

Ok I found and corrected a short circuit on the 40 pin connection of the second input pcb. Now If i hit main piezo it sounds snare thats correct and when I hit rim piezo it sounds a rim.
It seems ok Thnk You Dimitri God Bless you

but my questions never ends

is it the right thnig when i hit rim it sounds rim I thought before that like I should place the main piezo to the center of the snare pad and the rim piezo to the edge of pad and when I want to play rim I have to put my hand down to the rim piezo place (to activate switch between rim and snare) and hit the main piezo to get rim sound.
What I m thinking wrong????
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby dmitri » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:35 pm

In a pieazo/piezo pad a head piezo is placed under the head surface, be it rubber/mesh or anything else, so no matter where you hit the head it should produce the head signal. A rim piezo is attached to a shell of the pad and when you hit a rim it produces a rim sound (properly called sidestick). When you hit both the head and the rim at the same time it should produce the third sound - rim shot sound. See and for details.
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby ayd01 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:15 pm

Hi again
A strange thing happened today I was making test to decide which pad has to have one piezo which have to need two piezo, I realized that my ride input acting strange before it was working ok but today when i hit piezo it sounds like kick drum " on lcd from left to right top 4th bar is moving" istahat again a short circuit problem???
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:21 pm

The sound depends on what note you assign to a pad and how your sound sampler interprets this note. Check what note is assigned to your ride and what sound assigned to this note in your sampler.
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby ayd01 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:34 pm

when i hit it logic shows F2 which is assigned to kick 2 ok I get it I changed it to ride problem solved
so lcd bars isnt important.
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Re: Finished my MD snare-rim shot problem

Postby dmitri » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:43 pm

LCD VU meters show exactly what physical pad was hit. What sound you get depends on what note you assigned to the pad and what sound you/your sampler assign to this note.
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